
Monday, October 3, 2011

Jaime's Trip to The Smart Chicks Kick It Tour and The Northwest Book Festival

This weekend I got to fly up to Seattle, WA (Kirkland actually) for The Northwest Book Festival who hosted The Smart Chicks Kick it Tour. It was a beautiful cool overcast Washington weekend which was awesome because it has been pretty warm here in Nor-Cal. Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, her friend Tiffany, and my mom who is a huge Jeri Smith-Ready fan flew up from Sacramento as well.

The festival is pretty small and it seemed to be mostly indie and self published authors but I did get to meet one of my favorite indie’s Cyndi Tefft who wrote the amazing book Between if you’d like to know more check out my review HERE. Cyndi signed my very own copy of Between, I sat in on a panel she was on, and we had an awesome time! Then my Saturday wound down so mom and I went to see Moneyball which was AWESOME I’m an Oakland A’s fan so I knew it would be but even if you’re not I suggest seeing that movie Brad Pitt was perfect as Billy Beane!!!

Sunday rolled around and the sun was shining it was a perfect day for the big event! We had breakfast at The Original Pancake House which if you’re ever in Kirkland and want some great grub eat there the food was fantastic! Then we headed over to the Teen Union Building where the Smart Chicks event was to be held; we met up with Kristina from kristina-worldofbooks who is a WA native and fellow blogger that I was really excited to meet! I also got to hang out with Tera Lynn Childs who wasn’t on the panels but drove over to visit. The Smart Chicks arrived shortly after us and my mom went kinda photo happy so most of the pics in the slide show are hers ;) The authors that attended this year were Melissa Marr, Melissa de la Cruz, Kelley Armstrong, Jeri Smith-Ready, Rachel Vincent, Rachel Caine, Richelle Mead, Sophie Jordan, Margaret Stohl, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Nina Kirkiri Hoffman, Sara Zarr, and Stephanie Kuehnert. There were so many of them they actually split up into two panels so we had about an hour and a half with each group to ask questions and hear funny stories. Then the signing started and I thought last year’s Smart Chicks event was crazy but this one topped it. I didn’t even get all my books signed I would have missed my plane but, Mindy and Kristina were more than happy to help out and get the rest of my books signed and will send them to me! Thanks ladies BIG HUGS!!!!! Oh one more thing before the slide show. Last year I went to the Smart Chicks event in Menlo Park, CA and this was before we had the blog. I can honestly say after that event one year ago was when I started to really want to start a blog and a big reason why I did so thank you Smart Chicks you have a loyal follower and friend here and I will always make your events!! Much love –Jaime

Ok and now the slide show I hope you enjoy!!!!!! 

Mom took some video with her new camera so I thought I’d share one of those clips My #TeamKilt girls will like this clip since it's Jeri talking ;) ;)

Thanks for letting me share my weekend with you I’ll have more fun event stuff to post after October 9th when Patricia and I go to the Becca Fitzpatrizk and Michelle Hodkin signing and then in April when I (and hopefully Patricia) go to the Romantic Times Book Lovers Convention in Chicago!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure with us, Jaime! Looks like a great time was had by all!


  2. Wow! This is so awesome!! I hope to see you at #teamkiltcon!!!

  3. I'm hoping to get my post up tonight or tomorrow the latest (hopefully). I want to do some editing with my pictures, or at least attempt some edits. I'm hoping Becca will come up near WA in one of her future tours. I haven't read them yet, but I will one day :) they are sitting on my shelves begging to be read.

  4. Meeting you and Mindy was the highlight of the event for me. <333 Cyndi

  5. Jen- Yeah it was a blast! We'll have one in Chicago soon too :D

    Kimberly- When is #teamkiltcon??? I'm goint to RT :)

    Kristina- Link me the post when it's up I can't wait to read it!

    Cyndi- <33333 you too!!! :D


  6. Loved the pics. Meant to comment on them yesterday when I saw them on Twitter!

    Sounds like such an amazing event. Can't believe you almost missed your plane to get those books signed. AWESOME!

    I really hope to go to RT, just need to figure out if I can do that and BEA which I'll definitely be doing this time.

    Oh and The Original Pancake House. YUM!

    Can't believe you got all your books signed. Kristina and Mindy were awesome to do that!

  7. Your mom ROCKS with the pics! You need to email them to me!

  8. I was there too. Wasn't it awesome?

  9. It was! I'm definitely going next year :D


  10. I missed this post!! How dare I?? I'm so jealous of the whole The authors, the books and Seattle!!
    I'm happy you all had such a great time and thanks for the fun pictures and video.


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