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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Top 10 of 2012 day 3- Best Readers Choice and a Giveaway!!!

Today’s topic is Best ________ Of 2012 (Readers/Bloggers choice. Please fill in the blank with ONE of these topics - Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV's, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. REMEMBER - this list MUST be from books you've READ in 2012)

And make sure to stop by my co-hosts sites Fiktshun, Confessions of a Bookaholic, A Life Bound By Books, and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads for their lists! Oh and make sure to sign up with the linky to share your lists! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Details at the bottom of the post.

So I love me some Villains here’s my Top 10 Villains of 2012!

1. Commander Chase from CJ Redwine’s Defiance. Easily one of the skeeviest bad guys I’ve ever read about. Just thinking about him gives me the heebie jeebies!

2. Mother from JA Souder’s Renegade. This woman is pure insanity! She is willing to brainwash and kill to get what she wants. Even if the brainwashing is done to her own daughter.

3. Vaughn from Lauren DeStefano’s Fever.  This man tortures and kills in the name of science. I sure hope he meets his maker in book 3.

4. Darkling from Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone. Darkling, oh my beautiful, evil, damaged Darkling you were so close to making the boyfriends list but, I just read Siege and Storm and after that you will forever be on my villain list!

5. Prophet from Jennifer Bosworth’s Struck another dude who gave me the heebie jeebies. Religious cult leaders seem to do that to me.

6. Warner’s Dad from Destroy Me. Y’all think Warner is bad (I don’t) this dude takes the cake!

7. Queen Levana from Marissa Meyer’s Cinder. One evil alien bitch right here!

8. Orion from Beth Revis’s  A Million Suns. Damn I like this dude so much he really only does what he thinks is best for his people but he is a killer so…..

9. The Alchemist from Kresley Cole’s Poison Princess. Yeah dude thinks he can become immortal by torturing girls.

10. Lilith from Courtney Allison Moulton’s Wings of the Wicked.  I hate this chick so much and she’s not even the worst from the books!

Did any of my favorites make your list? Fill out the linky and let me know! And good luck with the giveaway! Go to today’s giveaway hosted by Rachel from Fiksthun!

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  1. Awesome villains. I adore Warner and the darkling is so alluring.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. Great picks! I totally LOVE Warner but NOT his father. hehe.

  3. awesome . i really loved reading about orion , warner and the darkling

  4. Great list! I did villains too and I can't believe I forgot Vaughn! That guy freaks me out. And a friend just recommended Renegade so I'll have to look into getting a copy because now I'm desperate to read it :)

    My Top Ten is here if you'd like a look :)

  5. Love the Villains list. I totally agree with Mother, Warner, Prophet, and Queen Levana!! :)

  6. I so got to read Renegade! It's been sitting on my TBR shelf, but as they say: So many books, so little time. :D

  7. Yes! Vaughn needs to seriously meet his make in Sever. The Alchemist in Poison Princess is definitely a good one for this list too. Thanks for sharing! :)

    My Blogger's Choice Top 10

  8. Jeez, I haven't read any of these :(
    I LOVE to hate a great villain though and these sound awesome!

  9. I'm always on the lookout for a great villain so I am excited to read Destroy Me and learn more about Warner's Dad. Completely agree about Queen Levana...she creeped me out! Great choices.

  10. Vaughn, Orion, and Warner's Commander Dad are the worst!!! Yup once I met Warner's dad I realized Warner was sweetie pie next to him. LOL Love villains! I want to meet Mother and Darkling!
    My Top 10

    1. You will hate Mother and fall for Darkling just like I did lol ;)

  11. You are SO right about Commander Chase. UGH!!!! Great list xo

  12. SHADOW & BONE and CINDER I have read and loved.



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