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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dying to Read (40)- RUINS by Dan Wells

Hey y’all thanks for stopping by to see my Dying to Read post and of course as always I have to give credit to the lovely Jill over at Breaking the Spine for the Waiting on Wednesday Meme!

This week the book I’m dying to read is RUINS by Dan Wells!!!!! He about killed me with book 2 FRAGMENTS and wouldn’t give me any hints about book 3! So yep I’m dying to get my hands on this one!!!!

Dan Wells
Release Date: March 11, 2014
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Balzer + Bray (Harper)
ISBN: 978-0062071101

Kira, Samm, and Marcus fight to prevent a final war between Partials and humans in the gripping final installment of the blockbuster Partials Sequence.

Our time is almost up.

As the clock ticks closer and closer to the final Partial expiration date, humans and Partials stand on the brink of war. Caught in the middle, thousands of miles apart, are Samm and Kira: Samm, who is trapped on the far side of the continent beyond the vast toxic wasteland of the American Midwest; and Kira, now in the hands of Dr. Morgan, who is hell-bent on saving what's left of the Partials, even if she has to destroy Kira to do it.

The only hope lies in the hands of the scattered people of both races who seek a way to prevent the rapidly escalating conflict. But in their midst appears a mysterious figure, neither human nor Partial, with solemn warnings of the new apocalypse-one that none of them may be able to avert.

The last book in the Partials Sequence is a thrill ride of epic proportions, as the last remnants of life on our planet fight to determine its final fate.

So what do you think? Will you be adding this to your pile? What are you dying to read this week?


  1. I really have to read this series! Is this the final book? If so I will definitely wait for its release and just read all three books. If the ending to Fragments killed you I'm definitely going to wait. :)

  2. You just reminded me that I need to pre-order this! :D

    My WoW

  3. Dan Wells is a new author for me I haven't read any of his work yet. This sounds like an interesting series though! :-) This week I selected an NA title I've preordered (I'm a sucker for romance) by Erin McCarthy.

  4. I still have to read Partials and Fragments, but Ruins sounds awesome! :)

  5. I still need to read the first two but it looks good.

  6. Definitely adding this to my pile(:

  7. This is the first time that I've seen this cover. I really like it though. Great pick!


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