
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog Tour- REVELATIONS by J.A. Souders and a Giveaway!

Hey y'all! I'm so happy to have J.A. Souders here today it's launch day for REVELATIONS so make sure you tell her Happy Book Birthday!! I loved her book RENEGADE and I'm almost finished with REVELATIONS and loving it even more! I had originally asked for a guest post from Gavin the love interest in the books (he was on my Top 10 Book Boyfriends of 2012 list), then I met Asher in REVELATIONS and yesterday I tweeted this to J.A. 

She of course said yes so now you all get to meet Asher the new love of my life (at least in this series lol).

Haven't heard of REVELATIONS? Check it out! 
Author: J.A. Souders
Pub. Date: November 5, 2013
Publisher: TOR Teen
Pages: 352
Find it: 
AmazonBarnes& Noble, Goodreads
Six weeks after her arrival on the Surface, Evelyn Winters is no closer to unlocking the memories lost in her subconscious than she was when she first came. Isolated in a strange new society, Evie has only Gavin Hunter to remind her of who she once was.

But even with a clean slate, it’s easy to see that Evie doesn’t fit in on the Surface. And as her differences make her feel more and more alone, she can’t help but yearn for that place she doesn’t remember: the isolated city hidden in the depths of the ocean. Elysium. Home.

But she can’t exactly tell Gavin what she’s feeling. Not when he’s the one who helped her escape Elysium in the first place, and has the scars to prove it. Though the doctors say otherwise, Gavin believes that Evie just needs time. And if her memories don’t come back, well, maybe she’s better off not remembering her past.

But the decision may be out of their hands when Evie’s ever-elusive memories begin to collide with reality. People and images from her past appear in the most unlikely places, haunting her, provoking her…and making her seem not only strange but dangerous.

Evie and Gavin can’t wait around for her memories to return. They’ll have to journey across the Outlands of the Surface to find help, and in the end, their search may just lead them back to the place it all started…

Now on to the guest post I introduce you all to Asher!

Oh, wow. I’m so excited to be here today! It’s LAUNCH DAY!!! Finally! I’m still in shock my 2nd book is coming out. I’m multi-published now. Whee! J  LOL. 

Originally I was supposed to write a post about Gavin and the Surface here for you, but Jaime kind of fell in love with another character that is introduced in REVELATIONS. So she asked if I’d write about him instead.

And that would be Asher. 

I can’t blame her though. Asher’s awesome. I love him a lot myself.   Originally when I was brainstorming ideas with my crit. Partners about what would happen in book 2 we knew we needed to introduce more characters. Specifically someone that would clash with Gavin. So we started tossing around ideas and pretty quickly I thought I had him pretty well figured out.

Of course, Asher had plans of his own and he didn’t agree at all with what I wanted from him and he told me, quite LOUDLY I might add, that he wanted to be someone else.  Asher, to me, is just that happy go lucky guy friend that you find in the strangest places when you’re not looking and whom you can share anything with.  He’s just one of those people you can’t hate, because he’s not fake. He’s genuine and loving, and just simply awesome.

On the surface, he’s hot as hell, maybe a little shallow, all male, completely confident with who he is and knows exactly what to say and when, to get the ladies to like him. Underneath though there’s this really deep, smart, funny and caring person, who isn’t really all that confident in himself at all. He has to constantly live up to his Father’s (who is the mayor of Black Star cove—Gavin’s village) expectations and is constantly having to prove himself.  He sort of reminds me of the male version of Evie.

His motivations for a lot of what he does in REVELATIONS are simple, but I can’t really say why he does them without spoilers so I’ll just say that he has his secrets, some that Gavin knows, some that Gavin doesn’t know, but thinks he does, and some that no one knows at all—maybe not even Asher himself. A lot of his motivations throughout though stem from his insecurities in himself and who he is and pleasing his father, but also in what happened between Gavin and Asher a long time ago, changing them from inseparable best friends to hated enemies on Gavin’s side and regretful resignation of losing his only friend on Asher’s side. 

Asher was only meant to be a device to spur Gavin’s story on, but he turned into this totally awesome character that ended up not just being 2nd string like Macie’s BFF, but a full blown main character with his own story and strengths and weakness and secrets that just simply endeared him to me, and obviously Jaime too, which I’m so glad to hear.  I was so worried that when I introduced him people would hate him on principle, but from what I hear that’s not the case. I’m so super glad and excited and I can’t wait to see what everyone else thinks about him.  Hopefully, you all will love him as much as I do. J

YES I KNOW THEY WILL!!! Thanks so much Jess!

 About J.A:
J.A. SOUDERS is the author of the Elysium Chronicles and lives in the land of sunshine and palm trees with her husband and two children where she spends her time writing about the monsters under the bed, day dreaming about living in an underwater colony, and failing miserably at playing video games.

Giveaway Details:
Revelations Giveaway (All US Only!)
Grand Prize- 1 Signed set of Renegade and Revelations, 1 scrabble tile pendant with covers of both books, and a $25 gift card to Amazon or B&N!
Second Place- 1 Signed set of Renegade and Revelations and 1 set of scrabble tile pendants with covers of both books.
Third Place- 1 set revelations themed swag

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the Tour Schedule for more awesome posts and reviews!

Week One:
10/28/2013- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads- Guest Post
10/29/2013- Katie's Book Blog- Interview
10/30/2013- The Book Life- Review
10/31/2013- Curling Up With A Good Book- Guest Post
11/1/2013- That Artsy Reader Girl- Review

Week Two:
11/4/2013- Bookish- Interview
11/5/2013- Two Chicks on Books- Guest Post
11/6/2013- Supernatural Snark- Interview
11/7/2013- Book Haven Extraordinaire- Review
11/8/2013- Jenna Does Books- Review


  1. I have heard nothing but great things about this series and I really need to get around to reading it.

  2. Happy Release Day! So happy for you! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. This series sounds so good!! Thank you for having this great giveaway!

  4. OMG SO excited!! loved the first book!

  5. This is the kind of guy I love to read about! The happy-go-lucky guy, as opposed to the brooding, angry guy. Can't wait to read more, and thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Can't wait to read this! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  7. I can't wait to meet Asher. I haven't bought the book yet but I will soon!


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