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Monday, December 23, 2013

Top 10 of 2013- Day 1 Top 10 books of 2013 and a Giveaway!

Yay welcome to day 1 of our Top 10 of 2013 event! We're so happy that you all are participating with us! 2013 was a strange year for me. I've only read 75 books as of today. I hit a huge reading slump during the summer and didn't read anything in July or August. But after the slump I cam back with a vengeance lol I caught up to my goodreads challenge pretty quickly. The people at Goodreads have a cool Your Year of Books when you sign up for the challenge. If you want to see all the books I read this year go HERE!

So today’s topic is Best Books I've Read in 2013 (Doesn't have to be released in 2013, just a book you've read in 2013). And I had a hell of a time narrowing it down to just 10 so there are a few honorable mentions added to this list. If you want to know anything about the books I chose just click on the title and it’ll take you to the Goodreads page!

And make sure to stop by my co-hosts sites Fiktshun and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads for their lists! Oh and make sure to sign up with the linky to share your lists! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!Details are at the end of this post!

Monday, December 23rd - Best Books I've Read in 2013 (Doesn't have to be released in 2013, just a book you've read in 2013)

1. Splintered by AG Howard. This was my favorite of the year hands down!!!!!

2. The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson. This series is on my all-time favorite list! Rae is an amazing writer and Hector will definitely make my forever book boyfriends list!

3. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. Freaking fantastic book!!!!! Definitely think it’s better than the first I has a new love peeps! Strumhuond!!!!!!!!!!

4. The Madman’s Daughter by Megan Shepherd. Megan’s storytelling is amazing and dark and twisted and she also ramps up the creep out factor! There’s also 2 hot boys to choose from!

5. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi. It was awesome, amazeballs, mind-blowing!!!! Loved Warner ooh and Kenji!

6. The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell. An amazing High Fantasy make sure to grab this one!

7. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. Even better than Cinder and Wolf and Thorne stole my heart away from Kai!

8. These Broken Stars by Meagan Spooner and Amie Kaufman. I just finished this one on December 18th and I already had my list set and ready to go! But I HAD to move one down to the honorable mentions because this book was EPIC!!!! I can’t wait for book 2!!!!

9. In The Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters.  One of the best ghost stories I’ve ever read! And I loved that it was set in San Diego during World War 1 and the Spanish influenza outbreak. It was creepy and awesome! Oh and I fell for my first ghost Stephen!

10. The Beautiful and The Cursed by Page Morgan. It’s historical paranormal with gargoyles and one of the best books I read hand down in 2013!

Honorable Mentions

Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins. Kaidan Rowe is just too sexy for words and he made me melt into a puddle of goo in this one!

Gold by Talia Vance. I beta’d this for Talia and OMG it is better than Silver!!!! All you team Austin girls get ready to swoon :D

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I love Jennifer’s books and even though I was sad to see the series end Sentinel was the perfect ending!

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa. Loved this one! Love all of Julie’s books! I also have a new found fondness for Jackal.

The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas. A High Fantasy part of the time and a historical Fantasy the other part. This one reminded me of Harry Potter a bit just with older characters and trust me you will all fall for Titus :D

Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi.  Another one that was as awesome as the first and this one had more Roar so I was a happy girl!

Fragments by Dan Wells. I will freely admit I wasn’t the hugest fan of the first book. The second in this series though was awesome and I can’t wait to read the finale!

Did any of my favorites make your list? Fill out the linky and let me know! And good luck with the giveaway :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Oh Splintered! I adored that book and Unravel Me too! Sentinel was another one I loved, such a great conclusion. Love your list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. Yay we got a few books in common today! I really wanted to add Unravel Me to mine but couldn't get it in the top ten :(
    Awesome list!

  3. It's as if you've compiled a list of great books Jen hasn't gotten around to reading yet, lol! I'm especially looking forward to reading Rae Carson's series and THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER. Thanks for hosting this fun event, Jaime! (Jen)

  4. Awesome books in your list! I really hope I get to read The Beautiful and the Cursed real soon, heard great things about it! :) So happy to be able to participate again this year ^_^

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this event! I had SO much fun doing this post an actually seeing all the books I read in 2013 and narrowing down just 10. It was hard, but fun!! :D I loved your Top 10 Fav books in 2013!

    Thanks for the EPIC Giveaway you guys are hosting too!
    My Rafflecopter name is Vannah B.

  6. Totally agree with you on Scarlet!!! And I have Siege and Storm in my room just waiting to be read! Great list!!!

  7. Loved Unravel Me but I didn't technically read it this year. I also included Siege & Storm, and The Eternity Cure. I'm currently reading These Broken Stars! Thanks for hosting!

  8. I've only read Unravel Me and Sweet Peril and loved both. I need to read Splintered, might buy the audiobook. Great list!

  9. Unravel Me and Scarlet are also on my top 10! I also loved These Broken Stars and The Burning Sky. I can't wait to read the rest of the books in your list especially The Beautiful and the Cursed (I've wanted to read it for so long) and The Bitter Kingdom (I absolutely love this series - the previous two books are amazing). Thanks for the giveaway :)

  10. I need to read Sentinel asap. I've heard so much about the Madman's Daughter can't wait to read that one too . so many books .

  11. These Broken Stars and Through the Ever Night almost made my list! I'm reading Into the Still Blue right now and have my fingers crossed it would have almost made the list to, if not definitely made it. Great list! There are a few I still need to check out. :)

  12. OMG! I'm dying to read Unravel me. I read Shatter me and it was so good I'm afraid the sequel will spoil it for me. :)

  13. Great list! I've heard amazing things about all of these, but I've read only a couple of them so far, Scarlet & it totally made on my Top 10 of 2013 list, too, and I really enjoyed Splintered as well, especially the world.

    Thanks for hosting this event again & happy holidays!

    Aleksandra @ Aleksandra's Corner

  14. 2013 was a good book year! We definitely have some overlap! Sentinel had to be on my list. I almost put Senitinel and Apollyon on there!

    Samantha @ Reading-AndCoffee

  15. The Beautiful and the Cursed was really great! I hope more people read it!

    Nikki H @ Take Me Away...

  16. Awesome list. Defiantly some of my favourites up there. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. I have only read Through the Ever Night but have several of the other ones on my shelf. Looks like I need to get on the ball ASAP.

  18. I have a few of your top 10 on my TBR pile. I'm hoping to get to them in 2014.

  19. In The Shadow of Blackbirds and Siege & Storm also made it on my list! I also completely agree about Splintered, it was on the top of my list last year =)

    Emily @ Falling For YA

  20. Fabulous list!!! I've read only one on that list but I want to read them all :) Gonna have to get started! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Awesome list! I love Scarlet and These Broken Stars! I have a few of your top ten on my TBR list (ie. Splintered) that I really need to read soon! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Fallon Vaughn
    I loved Splintered and thanks for the giveaway you have some ARCs i have been dying to read.

  23. I've not read everything on your list, but have to admit Unravel Me, Scarlet and Through the Ever Night were some of my favorites from the year, though they didn't all make my list!

  24. I loved Splintered so much. You have a great list of books!

  25. My daughter is obsessed with Splintered and I love anything by Jennifer Armentrout I wish Origin made the list was amazing!!!!

  26. Oh! Scarlet! Another book I was meaning to read this year. I'm just so buried under my TBR. LOL. I'll have to push this novel up on my wish list. :)

    Kelsey @ Ketch's Book Nook

  27. A great bunch of books! Several on are my TBR shelf but I haven't had a chance to read them yet. Looks like I need to get to them so they'll be on my list next year. :D

  28. I have These Broken Stars for review and am so excited you loved it! I agree that Sweet Peril was amazing!!! I love this series so much :) I bought all the books in The Covenant Series by JLA and can't wait to read them!

    Thanks for doing this awesome event! We had so much fun making our top 10 lists :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  29. As you said, we have many books in common! And In The Shadow of Blackbirds and The Beautiful & The Cursed are in my TBR book, I hope I can get to read them next year!

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  30. I agree, Splintered is one of the best books I have read! Unfortunately, it didn't make it to my list this year because I had read it last year... but it did make it on that list :)

    Great list!

  31. Whoo! I love this meme at this time of year! it really makes me reflect on some of the books I've read in the last year. Thanks for thinking of this idea!

  32. I am so glad Splintered was your favorite book of the year as well! I'm absolutely in love with it, I can't wait for Unhinged. Thanks for stopping by my post!


  33. So many great books! The Shatter Me and Grisha books are definitely new favorites. I also really enjoyed reading The Madman's Daughter, Scarlet, Sweet Peril, and The Eternity Cure this year. Thanks for hosting and thanks for stopping by my post. :)

  34. Amazing list! I LOVED The Burning Sky, Unravel Me and Shadow of Blackbirds. :)

  35. I totally agree with These Broken Stars!!! YES, YES, YES!!! And I'm going to have to check out The Beautiful and The Cursed b/c it's been on two of your guy's lists now!! Hmmmmm... besides, I kind of like gargoyles :D

    Great list!!! And Merry Christmas!!!!

  36. Through the Ever Night - yes more Roar is always going to be a win! I'm so excited for Into the Still Blue next month!
    Sentinel - I power read the last three books and geez what an endings!
    Both of these made it onto my Best of 2013 post too :)

  37. I added your blog name to my post for the hosts!! Thanks for putting on your comment who hosted. I only had Fiktshun! I need to read a few of the books on your list... they are all on my TBR pile but I haven't got to them yet.


  38. Every one of the books I've read that are on your list ALMOST made it onto mine (except for the couple that did!) I'm especially excited to see that you loved Splintered so much! I've been wanting to read it for foreverrr, so now I think it needs to move up on the TBR! :)

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  39. Splintered and The Bitter Kingdom's on my list too! :) Can't wait to read the rest of them!

  40. I've added to my reading list thank you.

  41. This is a great list with a lot of books I already want to read soon :)

  42. This list is excellent!! My favorite is Splintered.

  43. You have some great favorites on this list. I loved Scarlet. Marrissa Meyer was certainly imaginative in the way she crafted the tale of Little Red Riding Hood.

  44. I'm reading Splintered right now and I absolutely loved These Broken Stars...great picks!

  45. I haven't read any books on your list but I really want to read These Broken Stars, The Burning Sky and Unravel Me! :)

  46. I loved Cinder. I can't wait for Cress to come out.

    And Splintered is legit awesome.

    I can't wait to read These Broken Stars, The Burning Sky, and Siege and Storm!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Awesome list, 2013 was also kinda of bad reading year for me I hit multiple slumps throughout the year thanks to work and school. What helped me reach my goal though was Audiobooks and thanks to them I discovered so really awesome new and old series. I like Clockwork Princess, Ink and Through the Ever Night. I'm currently hearing Splintered on audio and I'm really enjoying it, I can't wait for Unhinged.

  49. I'd love to read The Burning Sky, and I really enjoyed the dark atmosphere in The Madman's Daughter.
    Thanks a lot for everything.

  50. I MEANT to read a lot of these, but I unfortunately did not - though I guess that just gives me something to look forward to. I definitely have to agree with you when it comes to In the Shadow of Blackbirds and Scarlet. I flew through those books and can't wait to read them again and again!

  51. I love (and am totally not surprised by) your book selections. I wish I'd read SPLINTERED, UNRAVEL ME and GOLD in 2013 or they all would have been on my list. Early reads are killing me with this challenge day.

    I really need to read THESE BROKEN STARS if it made your top 10 and you just read it. Definitely going on my TBR pile.

  52. I am currently reading Unravel me so it couldnt be on my list and These broken stars are still traveling to me, but all reat choices. I see that Splintered really has a lot of fans, an amazing read :)

  53. Fantastic picks! Splintered was so great! And I REALLY need to read Siege and Storm! Everyone is talking about that Sturmhond guy. And I agree, Jackal was so much fun in Eternity Cure XD I'm sad to say that I was a bit underwhelmed by Sweet Peril though :/ It wasn't bad, but the magic of Sweet Evil just didn't happen for me this time around...

  54. I'm not normally a sci-fi fan but I've been seeing lots of positive things about These Broken Stars, so I might have to check it out at some point. Also, In the Shadow of Blackbirds didn't get a whole lot of buzz but the reviews I've seen make me think that it might be my kind of story!

  55. Awesome list. I loved Dark Triumph, Siege and Storm and Crown of Midnight. Really need to read The Eternity Cure.

  56. Sadly I haven't ready any of these (boo me!), but I'd add Red Rising to the list. It hasn't even been released yet, and already I'm excited for the sequel.

  57. This looks like a great group! Some of these are on my TBR list already, some I might have to add. :)

  58. I have most of these in my TBR list, but I haven't had a chance to read them yet. A few I was unfamiliar with but they look great, so I now want to read them.

  59. I loved Splintered! It's the only book on your list I read this year but there's many on there I'd like to read, like These Broken Stars.

  60. I have yet to read Splintered, but since everyone has been raving about it, I should probably read it soon! I absolutely loved The Beautiful and the Cursed and In the Shadow of Blackbirds! Some of the books on your list I haven't read since they are series and I prefer to read stand-alones.


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