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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blog Tour- STILL WATERS by Ash Parsons An Interview and A Giveaway!

I am so stoked to be hosting a spot on the STILL WATERS Blog Tour! This is a suspense filled story and I have an interview with Ash Parsons today! Oh and wanna know something cool? She's played a walker in one of my favorite TV shows The Walking Dead! OMG I want to play a walker!!! Make sure to enter the giveaway below for a copy of the book!

Haven't heard of STILL WATERS? Check it out!

Author: Ash Parsons
Pub. Date: April 21, 2015
Publisher: Philomel Books
Pages: 320
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
A gritty, powerful debut that evokes The Outsiders. You won't be able to look away.

High school senior Jason knows how to take a punch. Living with an abusive father will teach a kid that. But he’s also learned how to hit back, earning a reputation at school that ensures no one will mess with him. Even so, all Jason truly wants is to survive his father long enough to turn eighteen, take his younger sister, Janie, and run away.

Then one day, the leader of the in crowd at school, Michael, offers to pay Jason to hang out with him. Jason figures Michael simply wants to be seen with someone with a tough rep and that the money will add up fast, making Jason’s escape plan a reality. Plus, there’s Michael’s girl, Cyndra, who looks at Jason as if she sees something behind his false smile. As Jason gets drawn deeper into Michael’s game, the money keeps flowing, but the stakes grow ever more dangerous. Soon, even Jason’s fists and his ability to think on his feet aren’t enough to keep his head above water.

Still Waters is an intense, gritty thriller that pulls no punches—yet leaves you rooting for the tough guy. A powerful, dynamic debut. 

Now on to the interview!

Hi Ash! First I want to say welcome to Two Chicks on Books! STILL WATERS sounds absolutely fantastic and am so happy that you could stop by for a visit! BTW I can’t wait for its sequel!

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about STILL WATERS and the characters?

It’s a contemporary suspense story where the protagonist, Jason, does the wrong things for the right reasons, the results of which trap him in an ever-worsening spiral of crime and intrigue. Apart from Jason, I particularly love the characters of Cyndra (the “it’s complicated” love interest) and Clay, Jason’s best friend. I think my favorite thing about the main character, Jason, is that he would appear to be completely badass but isn’t, really. He’s a vulnerable character.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

Not exactly. Of course, all writers put some of themselves and other people they know in the story. I gave a version of myself from high school a cameo in the original version, but I ended up editing out that scene.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

My favorite to write was Jason. It’s from his perspective, so that was a good thing! I loved his anger. I don’t know about least favorite. Probably Dwight because he was so unctuous.

What is your favorite passage/scene in STILL WATERS?

Oh my goodness, that’s a hard question!  I really liked writing the climax. I also loved writing the fight scenes. The dialog between Jason and Janie (his little sister) and between Jason and Clay was fun to do. It’s hard to single out a passage because they stitch together.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

I didn’t have to do too much research. My spouse is a fire-fighter/EMT so I was able to pick his brain about some things.

Ok and I can’t let you leave before answering this question… I am a HUGE fan of The Walking Dead! What was it like to play a zombie on the show? How many episodes did you do? And did you get to meet any of the cast? And if so who was your favorite to meet and why?

I am also a huge fan! It was incredible, both my spouse and I were on the show. He got to be a “hero” which means he got all the great makeup. However I was pretty much always part of a horde. It was a lot of fun but also hard work. The days (and one night shot I did) are incredibly long – sometimes in excess of 10-12hours. You do the same thing over and over again as they take different angle/distance shots.  If you’re outside it is hot – subtropical hot – if it’s the summer. But it’s also a lot of fun and I’m always fascinated to watch how it all comes together.  It really is a dedicated army of people putting that show on, they’re incredible. I met most of the cast members, but in passing only. I think I was on about 5 episodes. My favorite actors to meet were Andrew Lincoln (Rick) he’s charming, and Norman Reedus (Daryl) who came over on the first day of filming and said hello to us (there were a lot of us that day), which was very nice of him. They’re all delightful. I never worked up the nerve, but I would love to say “Hello, I’m a huge fan!” to Gale Anne Hurd, she’s the exec. Producer and wow, all of her work is just amazing. Similarly, I follow most of the show writers on Twitter and would have loved to talk to them but I never worked up the courage! Also, everyone is actually at work so, it’s not like you stop to chat/ask for autographs, etc. 

Lightening Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?
I’m so behind on my reading! I’m dying to read Audacity by Melanie Crowder and Mosquitoland by David Arnold and The Alex Crow by Andrew Smith and An Ember in Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.

Right now I’m reading Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins, which is the perfect blend of fun and adventure.

Who is your ultimate Book Boyfriend?
I can’t pick! But my first fictional BF was John Ridd from Lorna Doone. I will always have a special place in my heart for him.

What inspired you to write YA?
I taught high school for 6 years and love the variety of work being done in YA.

Twitter or Facebook?

Favorite Superhero?
     1. Wonder Woman 2. Captain America (as long as The Winter Soldier is in the        picture).

Favorite TV show?
Hannibal (and The Walking Dead, of course!)

Sweet or Salty?

Any Phobias?
Not really but I make my spouse kill any insects that get in the house.

Song you can’t get enough of right now?
“If I Had a Tail” by Queens of the Stone Age

Fall Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Thanks so much Ash for answering my questions! I can’t wait to read STILL WATERS!

   My pleasure, thank you for having me on the blog! :D

About Ash:

Ash Parsons has been involved in Child and Youth Advocacy since college. Recently she taught English to middle- and high-school students in rural Alabama. Watching some of her students face seemingly impossible problems helped inspire her first novel, Still Waters. Additionally she has taught creative writing for Troy University’s ACCESS program and media studies at Auburn University. Ash lives in Alabama with her family. Still Waters is her first novel. Follow Ash Parsons on Twitter @ashparso.

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a hardcover of STILL WATERS! US Only.


  1. I love that cover... It has all the right feels. And that synopsis! *shakes head* I need to read this book now! :D

  2. I can't wait to read how you wrote about this character in these situations. It sounds exciting and suspenseful and like a page-turner that will keep me up reading. Thanks for the post and giveaway!

  3. I was an English teacher for middle school too. I love that so many former teachers are published authors :)

  4. This sounds awesome! congrats to Ash! Thanks so much for the chance!!:)

  5. Love the cover and the story sounds like great!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This sounds really good! I'm always up for a thriller. Great interview!

  7. The Outsiders is one of my favorite books of all time. If Still Waters is similar I'm likely to enjoy it very much. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  8. Def want to read this! :D
    Mary G Loki

  9. Still Waters sounds like an amazing read and I can't wait to check it out!

  10. This book is art the top of my TBR pile! It sounds amazing! ;)

    Carolina M on rafflecopter

  11. Congrats to the winner!! :)


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