Happy Paperback Release Day to
A Matter of Time (Angel Sight #3) by Lisa M. Basso!
The paperback is a special edition edition that includes:
- deleted scenes,
- a Dear Author letter from Lisa, and
- expanded last chapter!
- a Dear Author letter from Lisa, and
- expanded last chapter!
Happy Paperback Release Day Lisa!!

Rayna entered Hell to save Kade. Kade entered to protect Rayna. Both have failed.Centuries of Kade’s demons are unearthed when he is brainwashed and used as a Fallen pawn.In the freezing pits of Hell, Ray is beaten and tortured, pushed to her breaking point. She takes a stand, firing back at her attackers though she’s only begun to understand the true strength of her wings. A strength she will need once she uncovers the evils that await on Earth.Together they find solace, alone they will fight.
Title: A Matter of Time (Angel Sight #3)
Publication date: eBook June 9, 2015 / Paperback August 18, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Lisa M. Basso
Publication date: eBook June 9, 2015 / Paperback August 18, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Lisa M. Basso
Other Books in the Series:

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Rayna’s POV
newcomer took one more step into the room. The flickering sconces along the
walls didn’t throw out enough of their orange light for me to distinguish
anything but the whites of his eyes and bared teeth. He was grinning. “It’s
good to see you again, Rayna.”
poorly gathered tough-detainee demeanor slid off me like the last drops of
blood from my healed arm. That voice. Deep, dark, shadowed. It couldn’t be.
dragged his heavy chair into the center of the room. With its high back and
luxurious red velvet cushion, it really was more of a throne. He didn’t take
his seat like royalty though; he dropped into it from the side, kicking his
legs over one arm. “She’s all yours,” he said. All he needed now was popcorn.
steps plodded into the room, thunks followed by the eerie rattle of a
chain. I kept my eyes low, a risky move since I’d learned down here that it
showed weakness. But better weakness than the fear.
aren’t glad to see me?”
footsteps. Growing louder. Until only stained brown boots stood in my eye line.
The leather he wore creaked as he leaned in close. Closer. Too close. I shut my
he whispered in my ear, his breath blowing my hair back. The last time that
voice had whispered in my ear we were on top of the Golden Gate Bridge.
chuckled, and the chain dragging beside him clattered. In one swing his weapon
crushed my shoulder. My bones shattered. The spikes on the ball and chain
shredded my skin and bore into the muscle. White-hot pain exploded across my
body. My breath wheezed out. He wrenched the cursed weapon from me, and then
creaked and rattled away. The chain clanked against metal, probably him
throwing it over the weapon rack.
swore the shaky breath I took next would be my last sign of weakness. At least
until this session was over.
don’t know why I’m surprised,” I said, opening my eyes. “Of course you’d still
be down here. Where else would a Fallen failure with no wings go?”
wingless Fallen’s back was to me. Lucien, in his throne, quirked a brow and swiveled his head around toward
our visitor. The unmistakable sound of the broadsword leaving the rack rang
out. My will sank. The Fallen came at me. With his hand on my uninjured
shoulder for leverage, I looked into Azriel’s eyes as he ran the sword through
my already crumpled shoulder.

Lisa M. Basso was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She is a lover of books, video games, animals, and baking (not baking with animals though). As a child she would crawl into worlds of her own creation and get lost for hours. Her love for YA fiction started with a simple school reading assignment: S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. When not reading or writing she can usually be found at home with The Best Husband that Ever Lived ™ and her two darling (and sometimes evil) cats, Kitties A and B.

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Thanks for the giveaway--especially of an entire series. Love series!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!