
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday (68)- Ten Reasons I love the High Fantasy Genre in Books. Movies, and TV!

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

June 7: Ten Reasons I Love X -- could be a certain book, character, author, your indie bookstore, a fandom, a tv show, reading, a hobby, a genre. Honestly anything you want to gush about.

I think I'm going to focus on a genre instead of just one thing so here we go!

Ten Reasons I love the High Fantasy Genre in Books. Movies, and TV! All the movies and TV shows are based off of books too!

And just a warning there will be some gif usage here lol

1. I love High Fantasy because it lets me escape to other worlds where magic is real and so are monsters.

2. It has introduced me to some of my all time favorite book boyfriends! I'll link the books to the guys names so you can add to your tbr's!  Valek, Hector, Elias, Khalid, Chaol, Rhysand, Anton, Magnus, & many, many more!

3. There's all types of heroines and not all of them are badass/kickass (although I do like those!)

4. Elves, Hobbits, Wizards, and other magical creatures. And Legolas *sighs*

5. Game of Thrones. And my 3 favorite characters. Jon, Danerys, and Tyrion.

6. Harry Potter for so many reasons!

7.  Shannara.

8. Many of you probably won't remember this series but I loved Legend of The Seeker!

9. Merlin of course!

10. And Willow, Chronicles of Narnia, The Neverending Story, Stardust, and so much more!

So what about you? What are some of your fantasy books, movies, or TV shows? And check back next week for my Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of The Year!



  1. Ahhh you've given me some fond memories with Willow, The Neverending Story and Narnia :-) I loved those!

  2. I love The Game of Thrones - listening to the 2nd audio book which is filling in so many gaps the TV series can't show. But ditto on the favourite characters - they keep getting stronger! My TTT

  3. Great list! I absolutely love Game of Thrones, and I'm so sad season 6 is almost over. As of movies, the Harry Potter series is at the top of my list. My favourite books would be the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas and A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Though I generally enjoy all high fantasy books, if they're written well, that is.

    My TTT on why I love reading!

  4. Wonderful topic an you have definitely hit my faves from Game of Thrones. I really enjoyed The Shannara TV series, but have not heard great things about the books. There is going to be a season 2 isn't there? I haven't heard.

  5. Yes for all things high fantasy!!! I loved Shannara. I hope they bring it back for another season (though I'm not sure how they will considering the season spanned the whole book and the next book is like 20 years later). Legend of the Seeker is a new one to me...must watch it :) Fun list!
    My TTT

  6. Ahh, yesss. Fantasy is THE BEST. <3 Such a lovely post sweetie. Thank you so much for sharing :D


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