
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday (82)- My Top Ten Favorite Villains

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

October 4:  All About The Villains -- I don't think we've done a villains topic since back in November 2010 so let's revisit: top ten favorite/most compelling villains in books, top ten of the most vile villains/bad guys in books, top ten villains I secretly (or not so secretly) love, favorite tv villains, favorite comic book villains, ten "villains" of contemporary lit.

I love a good villain so I decided to do my all time favorite villains they may be from books, movies, or TV shows. I'll link to the goodreads page or IMDB page.

1. The Commander from Maria V. Snyder's Study and Glass books. This is one creepy ass villain and you never know his motives.

2. Sylar from Heroes. He is probably one of my all time favorite TV villains!

3. The Commandant from Sabaa Tahir's An Ember in The Ashes series. This chick is messed up

4. Warner's Father. The Supreme Commander from Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me series. This is one bad dude.

5. Khan from the early Star Trek Movies. I'm talking Ricardo Montalban not Benedict Cumberbatch his Khan was a pussycat compared to Montalban's.

6. Voldemort & Umbridge. From both the Harry Potter books and movies. Voldermort was the true villain of the stories and her was awful but in my opinion Dolores Umbridge was worse.

7. Jack Randall from the Outlander books and TV series. He's just a disguising human being and I hate him.

8. The Fairy Queen Anise from Claire Legrand's Winterspell. She may seem nice and sweet she is one bad, bad person.

9. Neegan from The Walking Dead graphic novels and TV show. Yes we just met him on the show last season, and I know who he kills in the graphic novels. I have my fingers crossed it's not the same for the TV show. I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan too so I'm happy I get to see him play such an iconic villain.

10. Rose Red the haunted house in Stephen King's Rose Red Mini-series.(yes I'm talking about a house but it's no ordinary house). Trust me if you haven't seen this find a way to watch it! It's perfect for Halloween!

So what about you? Who are your favorite villains ? And check back next week for my Top Ten books I've read because friends recommended them to me!! 



  1. Brilliant list Jaime. I also have Dolores and Voldemort on mine. Warner's Father is a fab choice!

  2. Honestly I;ve only read the Harry Potter books on your list but Voldemort and Umbridge are very awful, for sure!

  3. I have Sabaa Tahir's books on deck in my TBR. I'm really curious about the Commandant. I also loved Sylar's villainy on Heroes.

  4. Yes, Sylar made my list this week too!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  5. Sylar! I hated him, and I loved him! He was the best part of Heroes.

  6. The Commander is an interesting choice! I never really saw him as a villain necessarily while I was reading the first three Study books.

    My TTT.

  7. Rose Red!! Love the book and mini series
    My ttt

  8. I have never hated a character more than Umbridge, and I'm talking about books, not movies. Rowling did such a great job with her and what she did to Harry made her despicable. I actually love how much I hate her character.


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