
Friday, December 23, 2016

Blog Tour- EVER THE HUNTED by Erin Summerill An Interview & Giveaway!

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the blog tour for EVER THE HUNTED by Erin Summerill! I absolutely loved this high fantasy book and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!! I have an interview with Erin to share with you today! And make sure to enter the awesome giveaway for a chance to win the book!!

Haven't heard of EVER THE HUNTED? Check it out!

Author: Erin Summerill
Pub. Date: December 27, 2016
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Pages: 400
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Seventeen year-old Britta Flannery is at ease only in the woods with her dagger and bow. She spends her days tracking criminals alongside her father, the legendary bounty hunter for the King of Malam—that is, until her father is murdered. Now outcast and alone and having no rights to her father’s land or inheritance, she seeks refuge where she feels most safe: the Ever Woods. When Britta is caught poaching by the royal guard, instead of facing the noose she is offered a deal: her freedom in exchange for her father’s killer.

However, it’s not so simple.

The alleged killer is none other than Cohen McKay, her father’s former apprentice. The only friend she’s ever known. The boy she once loved who broke her heart. She must go on a dangerous quest in a world of warring kingdoms, mad kings, and dark magic to find the real killer. But Britta wields more power than she knows. And soon she will learn what has always made her different will make her a daunting and dangerous force. 

Now on to the interview!

Hi Erin! First I want to say welcome to Two Chicks on Books! EVER THE HUNTED was fantastic and I can’t wait for everyone to read it! And am so happy that you could stop by for a visit!

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about EVER THE HUNTED and the characters?

Thank you for having me on your awesome blog! Ever The Hunted is about Britta, a girl who has recently lost her father and has been caught for poaching. To save her own life, she must hunt down her father’s killer. The problem is, the accused is the man she loves. To save both their lives, Britta must track down the real killer.

So is there a title for book 2 yet? And how many books will there be in the series?

Yes, there is a book 2! I’m almost done working on it. The second book concludes the series.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

There is a woman named Enat in the book that is roughly based off my grandmother. She was tough and didn’t coddle anyone, but she loved fiercely.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

One of my favorite characters to discover and write was Leif. I love the friendship he forms with Britta in the book. My least favorite was also my second favorite characterCohen. Sometimes I hated him and sometimes I loved him, which made writing some scenes a blast, and other scenes painful.

What is your favorite passage/scene in EVER THE HUNTED?

There is a scene where Britta and Cohen are sitting on a cliff look-out, and they’re discussing their training. When I wrote this scene, I didn’t have the title for Ever The Hunted figured out yet. But during the scene, Cohen says, “if I were ever the hunted, youd always find me. And as soon as I finished typing the line, I knew I had my title. For that reason, it’s one of my favorites.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

I spent quite a great deal of time researching medieval and pre-medieval government in Germany, England, Scotland, and Ireland. That gave me the foundation for the world set-up. Then the majority of my research was on hunting and weaponry.

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

Oh this is such a tough question! I read too many books and love too many characters. Right now, I love Rhysand from A Court of Mist and Fury.

What inspired you to write YA?

I taught high school English and read hundreds of young adult books during that time. It only felt natural to delve into young adult literature when I decided to spend more time working on writing.

Lightening Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

I am reading The Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eaves. It’s fascinating and her writing is mesmerizing.

I’m dying to pick up The Hundredth Queen by Emily King as well as Poison’s Kiss by Breeana Shields.

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?


Twitter or Facebook?


Favorite Superhero?

The Flash

Favorite TV show?

Fresh off the Boat (It is so funny and reminds me of my family)

Sweet or Salty?

Sweet. Candy candy candy candy candy

Any Phobias?

Heights and goldfish.

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

I love “Walls” by Kings of Leon. It’s so good.

2017 Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Beauty and the Beast!!!! Right? I’m dying for this one.

Thanks so much Erin for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read EVER THE HUNTED!

About Erin:
Erin Summerill was born in England. After spending years bouncing between Air Force bases in Hawaii, England, and California, her family settled in Utah, where Erin graduated with a B.A. in English from Brigham Young University. She had aspirations to write the next great American novel, but writing proved tougher than she first thought. So she grabbed a Nikon and became a professional photographer while crafting manuscript after manuscript. The scenic detour of shooting weddings across the United States, as well as internationally, provided world-building inspiration. It gave her the vision to draft her debut YA fantasy, EVER THE HUNTED. Now when she isn’t writing, or shooting a wedding, she’s chasing her four kids, two dogs, one cat, and five chickens. This could be why she downs massive amounts of Coke Zero and Hot tamales.

Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a signed finished copy of EVER THE HUNTED, US Only.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:
12/19/2016- Adventures of a Book Junkie- Interview
12/20/2016- A Backwards StoryReview
12/21/2016- Dani Reviews ThingsGuest Post
12/22/2016- Fiction FareReview
12/23/2016- Two Chicks on BooksInterview

Week Two:
12/26/2016- Seeing Double In NeverlandReview
12/27/2016- NerdophilesGuest Post
12/28/2016- Take Me Away To A Great ReadReview
12/29/2016- The YA Book TravelerInterview
12/30/2016- The Reading Nook ReviewsReview


  1. The book sounds a bit of Robin Hoods and Snow White's Huntman. I'm curious to see how the story plays out.

  2. Ever the Hunted sounds really exciting! Thanks for the post!

  3. I can't wait to read this! I have been seeing it everywhere online!

  4. This book sounds so good! Keeping my fingers crossed! I love that cover too

  5. I love knowing where the title comes from! When I teach writing in my class, I often advise students to wait to title their piece after they finish writing. This helps me to validate that advice.


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