
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Blog Tour- EMBERS IN THE SEA by Jennifer M. Eaton An Interview & Giveaway!

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the blog tour for EMBERS IN THE SEA by Jennifer M. Eaton! I love this sci-fi series! If you're a fan of Jennifer L. Armentout's Lux books you should check this one out! I have an interview with Jennifer to share with you today! And make sure to enter the awesome giveaway!!

Haven't heard of EMBERS IN THE SEA? Check it out!

Title: EMBERS IN THE SEA (Fire in The Woods #3)
Author: Jennifer M. Eaton
Pub. Date: January 31, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 300
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | TBD
Alien scientist David has dealt with disappointment his entire life, but failing to breathe life into the planet Mars is his greatest regret. Out of options and in need of a new home for their people, the alien Caretakers rekindle their plan to inhabit Earth. First they will have to eliminate the human race, including Jess, the only human David holds dear.

Humanity has one final chance at survival. David needs to emulate Earth’s precipitation on Mars. But the catalyst to make it rain lies in the fathomless depths of Earth’s ocean.

The clock is ticking down to humanity’s last hours as Jess and David face a world more alien than either of them can imagine. The sea hides secrets, but some secrets don’t want to be found.

Now on to the interview!

Jennifer M. Eaton Interview Two Chicks Interview 2/8/2017

Hi Jennifer! First I want to say welcome back to Two Chicks on Books! EMBERS IN THE SEA was absolutely fantastic and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!

Awww, thanks so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

And I’m so happy that you could stop by for a visit!

Me, too! Do you have any cake? I’m kinda hungry.

For the readers: can you tell us a little recap from the FIRE IN THE WOODS series and the characters?

Well, in book one David crash-lands on Earth and is lucky enough to meet seventeen-year-old Jess, who defies her father and most of the US military by racing through the woods with David trying to help him get home.

In Ashes in the Sky, Jess and David find themselves in trouble again, this time being chased by David’s people through the depths of outer space.

When Embers in the Sea opens, Jess is back on Earth and in College while David is back with his people on Mars.

How was it to write a series finale?

Writing book three was kind of a surreal experience. When I wrote Fire in the Woods and Ashes in the Sky, I had a very clear direction in my head. Bringing the series to a conclusion, when I hadn’t intended this to be a three book story to begin with, was a bit more of a challenge than I had anticipated. I mean, I have fans now, and it is not only about writing something to satisfy my quirky self I have to try to make a lot of people happy.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

No. I’ve never really done that. I write for fun, and part of fun is escaping reality. I like to write people of my own invention, rather than spending my “me” time with people I hang with every day. (That probably makes no sense whatsoever, but, yeah, there it is). J

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

I really enjoyed writing Maggie, who is the plucky comic relief. Her lines always make me smile.

My least favorite character to write was the bad-guy in Ashes in the Sky. I wanted him to be completely loathsome, but I’m not sure if I ever got him to the hatred-
filled degree I saw in my head.

What is your favorite passage/scene in EMBERS IN THE SEA?

Oooooo. Spoilers?  I can say it is the scene when Jess talks to her Dad on the phone. I cry every single time I read it. That is one scene that sprang out of my fingers and didn’t change through editing. The characters knew what they wanted to say, and it was perfect.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

OMIGOSH a lot! I had to research the sea, the pressure at different depths, what kind of life actually exists at those depths, and how precipitation works on a much more scientific level than what I learned in school. The research was pretty intense. Hopefully the book is a little more realistic because of it. Yes, I embellished some things to make the story more fun, but everything you see in Embers in the Sea (above the fissure) is based on real life findings in that area of the ocean.

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

Hmmm. This is a tough question because there is a trend in YA for the male lead in books to be real jerks. I’m not attracted to the “bad boy” at all. That is probably why David in Fire in the Woods is the polar opposite of the typical “bad boy” lead. 
Last night I finished Lost Girls by Merrie Distephano. The male lead in that story is troubled, but manages not to be a jerk, and his last moments on the page of that book are memorable and left me swooning. There is nothing wrong with a nice guy making up for past mistakes, and taking the time to prove himself with a wonderfully romantic gesture.

What inspired you to write YA?

I like to write YA because I refuse to grow up. I feel more comfortable talking to teenagers sometimes than I do talking with grown-ups. Adults, and adult books, dwell too much on adult issues. Writing is a form of escape for me. Part of what I am escaping from is adult issues I deal with every day. It’s more fun to turn yourself into a kid again for a few hours a day. J

Lightening Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

I’m reading The Power of Six on Audiobook. I just finished Lost Girls on ebook last night, and I’m going to start something new tonight.

My TBR is longer than what I could read in a year. There is nothing in particular I am dying to get my hands on. I’m a patient reader and tend to read series slowly because I don’t want them to end.

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?

Ummmmm Im not honestly not an expert on Hogwarts houses. Hufflepuff maybe? I think that hat has a mind of its own anyway. Maye it would stick me in Slithering just to see what would happen.

Twitter or Facebook?

Ugh. I actually prefer Instagram. I am totally Facebook challenged, but I’m getting better. Twitter is good for talking to people rather than finding stuff out. I’m supposed to be answering these with short answers, aren’t I?  Sorry about that!

Favorite Superhero?

The Iron Giant, just to be different. But Thor Yummy.

Favorite TV show?

I don’t watch television as a rule, but I watched the first season of Lucifer on Netflix while on the treadmill, and it’s a total guilty pleasure. I watch Game of Thrones, too. Shoot! I’m not answering quickly again. Sorry!

Sweet or Salty?

Sweet, then salty, then sweet, then salty.

Any Phobias?

Yes, but if I tell you, I’d have to kill you, and nobody wants that.

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Taylor Swift - Shake it Off. My new motto.

2017 Movie you’re most looking forward to?

There are quite a few! Look through the list anything with explosions in it is usually a winner.

Thanks so much Jennifer for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read EMBERS IN THE SEA!

Me too! Thanks so much for having me!

[She waves manically]

About Jennifer:

Jennifer M. Eaton hails from the eastern shore of the North American Continent on planet Earth. Yes, regrettably, she is human, but please don’t hold that against her. While not traipsing through the galaxy looking for specimens for her space moth collection, she lives with her wonderfully supportive husband and three energetic offspring. (And a poodle who runs the spaceport when she’s not around.)
During infrequent excursions to her home planet of Earth, Jennifer enjoys long hikes in the woods, bicycling, swimming, snorkeling, and snuggling up by the fire with a great book; but great adventures are always a short shuttle ride away.
Who knows where we’ll end up next?

Giveaway Details:

(1) winner will receive a Perfectly Posh, Posh To Meet You Set ($20 value), US Only.

(1) winner will receive an Alien Charm Necklace, US Only.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:
1/30/2017- Sharon Lee Hughson, AuthorExcerpt
1/30/2017- Dani Reviews ThingsReview

1/31/2017- Hidden Worlds BooksGuest Post
1/31/2017- The Fearless ReaderReview

2/1/2017- So Few Books- Interview
2/1/2017- The Starving BookwormReview

2/2/2017- Lisa's Loves(Books of Course)Guest Post
2/2/2017- Don't Judge, ReadReview

2/3/2017- Wishful EndingsInterview
2/3/2017- Bookish HollowReview

Week Two:
2/6/2017- StephanieCassidyBlogInterview
2/6/2017- iamnotabookwormReview

2/7/2017- Read Coffee and TeenExcerpt
2/7/2017- BookCrushinReview

2/8/2017- Two Chicks on BooksInterview
2/8/2017- fallxnrobinReview

2/9/2017- Rockin' Book ReviewsExcerpt
2/9/2017- Book-KeepingReview

2/10/2017- LILbooKlovers- Interview
2/10/2017- Read, Coffee, and TeenReview 

Make sure to grab the first two books if you haven't read them yet!


  1. This sounds really good! Definitely adding it to the TBR pile. Great interview and FUN giveaway!

    1. Thanks! But you might want to check out Fire in the Woods first, that is the start of the series. I hope you love it!

  2. Thank you so much for the great interview!


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