
Monday, February 20, 2017

Blog Tour- STATION FOSAAN by Dee Garretson An Interview & Giveaway!

Hey everyone! I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the blog tour for STATION FOSAAN by Dee Garreston! I have an interview with Dee to share with you today! And make sure to enter the giveaway below!

Haven't heard of STATION FOSAAN? Check it out!

Author: Dee Garretson
Pub. Date: February 14, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 300

Scientists and their families stationed on the remote planet of Fosaan were promised a tropical vacation-like experience. But Fosaan, devastated from an apocalyptic event nearly three-hundred years ago, is full of lethal predators and dangerous terrain. 

Earthers are forbidden to go beyond the safety zone of their settlement and must not engage the remaining reclusive Fosaanians, native to the planet. Sixteen-year-old Quinn Neen is about to do both of those things. 

During an unsanctioned exploration of the planet, Quinn discovers a beautiful Fosaanian girl named Mira stealing food from his family’s living unit. But before he can convince her to show him around, scientists are taken captive, leaving Quinn and the other young Earthers at the mercy of space raiders. 

Quinn must go from renegade to leader and convince Mira to become an ally in a fight against an enemy whose very existence threatens their lives and the future of Earthers stuck on Fosaan and at home. 


Now on to the interview!

Two Chicks on Books 2/20/2017

Hi Dee! First I want to say welcome to Two Chicks on Books! STATION FOSAAN was absolutely fantastic and I can’t wait for everyone to read it! And am so happy that you could stop by for a visit!

For the Readers: can you tell us a little bit about STATION FOSAAN and the characters?

STATION FOSAAN is a little bit like a Romeo and Juliet story set far in the future when people originally from Earth have spread out over the galaxy. Cultures have developed which are often very different from what still exists on Earth. Quinn, the main character, who grew up on Earth, finds himself on Fosaan, a planet where the people there want nothing to do with Earthers. Mira is a Fosaanian girl and a descendent of the ruling family, and though she is intrigued by Quinn, had far bigger problems to worry about

So since this is a series do you have a title for book 2 yet?

Yes! The working title is THE REYET TRAP

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

My early books had some characters based on real people but I no longer do that because it bogs me down too much. I don’t want unnecessary bits of a real person’s personality intruding on the character.  I do use individual traits and mannerisms of real people but I put them on characters who are so different, I don’t think the actual people would be able to recognize what I’ve done.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

My favorite character to write was actually Quinn’s parrot, Mags. A friend of mine used to have an African Gray parrot and that bird was remarkable. I researched details about parrot intelligence to try to determine what the bird would understand and what it could say. I may have given Mags a bird genius level of intelligence, but I don’t think it’s beyond the level of possibility that she would be so smart.

My least favorite was the main antagonist Ansun, who is Mira’s uncle. He was the least favorite only because I find writing bad guys a challenge. I don’t want them to be cardboard villains, but on the other hand, I want them to be bad enough that readers will feel a real malevolence emanating off the page.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

I’m interested in science and technology but I only have a layperson’s knowledge of most of those areas, so I did some research in robotics to come up with the robots that have advanced artificial intelligence in the story. Since I studied International Relations in college which included some classes in anthropology and history, I was able to draw on that knowledge for the world-building of the cultures and the political systems. I wanted the Fosaanians to have a unique culture, unlike ones that exist on Earth. I tried to put together something that would go with their history, and something I could go into more detail about in the later books.

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

I like a challenge, so it’s always been Mr. Darcy. Cool exterior, smoldering interior. Gets me every time.

What inspired you to write YA?

The early versions of STATION FOSAAN were actually intended to be middle grade, but I found that the natural voice for the story turned out to be older. When I start something new, I come up with plot and a character, and then it’s a matter of deciding the best way to tell the story. I like writing YA because I like writing characters who have hope for the future, no matter what situation they are in at the moment.

Lightening Round Questions

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?

Definitely Ravenclaw!

Twitter or Facebook?

Both. Facebook for real-life friends, Twitter for book people

Favorite Superhero

Dr. Strange but mainly because of Benedict Cumberbatch.

Favorite TV show

The Big Bang Theory. I know many people in real life who could be characters on that show.

Sweet or salty.


Any phobias?

Giant squid. *shudder*

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You

2017 Movie you are most looking forward to?

I’m a huge Star Wars fan so it has to The Last Jedi.

Thanks so much Dee for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read STATION FOSAAN!

About Dee:
Dee Garretson writes for many different age groups, from chapter books to middle grade to young adult to adult fiction. She lives in Ohio with her family, and in true writer fashion, has cat companions who oversee her daily word count. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, watch old movies, and attempt various kinds of drawing, painting and other artistic pursuits.

Giveaway Details:

(1) winner will receive a Perfectly Posh, Posh To Meet You Set ($20 value), US Only.

(20) winners will receive a Fosaanian-inspired bracelet or key chain (winner’s choice), US Only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:
2/13/2017- S.E. MuirExcerpt
2/13/2017- Book Review BeccaSpotlight

2/14/2017- Bibliobibuli YA- Interview

2/15/2017- LILbooKlovers- Interview

2/16/2017- Lisa's Loves(Books of Course)Guest Post
2/16/2017- Omg Books and More BooksReview

2/17/2017- So Few BooksInterview
2/17/2017- Month9BooksExcerpt

Week Two:
2/20/2017- Two Chicks on BooksInterview
2/20/2017- Don't Judge, ReadReview

2/21/2017- Susan Heim on WritingExcerpt
2/21/2017- Book-KeepingReview

2/22/2017- Wishful Endings- Interview
2/22/2017-Hidden Worlds Books- Guest Post

2/23/2017- Always & Forever FangirlingExcerpt
2/23/2017- the Blacksheep ReaderReview

2/24/2017- I am not a bookworm!Review


  1. Sounds like a fun book! Thank you for the contest!

  2. I love when authors include animals as characters. The parrot sounds unique and I'm fascinated by them and their abilities to learn. I think this will be an exciting, action-packed book.

  3. I've already read this book and it's really, really good.


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