
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Blog Tour- FUTURE THREAT by Elizabeth Briggs An Interview & Giveaway!

Hey everyone! I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the blog tour for FUTURE THREAT by Elizabeth Briggs I have an interview with Liz to share with you today! And make sure to enter the giveaway below!

Haven't heard of FUTURE THREAT? Check it out!

Author: Elizabeth Briggs
Pub. Date: March 1, 2017
Publisher: AW Teen
Pages: 272
Formats: Hardcover, paperback, eBook
Six months ago Aether Corporation sent Elena, Adam, and three other recruits on a trip to the future where they brought back secret information--but not everyone made it back to the present alive. Now Elena's dealing with her survivor's guilt and trying to make her relationship with Adam work. All she knows for sure is that she's done with time travel and Aether Corporation.

But Aether's not done with her--or Adam, or fellow survivor Chris. The travelers on Aether's latest mission to the future have gone missing, and Elena and her friends are drafted into the rescue effort. They arrive in a future that's amazingly advanced, thanks to Aether Corporation's reverse-engineered technology. The mission has deadly consequences, though, and they return to the future to try to alter the course of events.

But the future is different yet again. Now every trip through time reveals new complications, and more lives lost--or never born. Elena and Adam must risk everything--including their relationship--to save their friends.

The second book in the New York Times bestselling Future Shock trilogy.

Now on to the interview!

Hey Liz!! First I want to say welcome back to Two Chicks on Books I’m glad you could stop by for a chat! FUTURE THREAT was freaking AWESOME and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!

For the readers: can you give us a series recap so far?

Sure! In FUTURE SHOCK, Elena joined a team of four other teenagers and traveled thirty years into the future. Once there, they discovered that all of themexcept geeky cute scientist Adamwould be murdered the day after they returned to the present. At first it seemed like all clues pointed to Elena as being the killer, but with Adam’s help she was able to stop the real killer and save herself and one of the other time travelers. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to save them all, and even though she and Adam have tried to move on and start a relationship together, at the beginning of FUTURE THREAT Elena is having a hard time coping with what happened to her.

The ending of FUTURE THREAT was very satisfying but I can’t wait for a book 3! Is there a title yet?

Thanks! I tried to make sure each book could stand alone because cliffhanger endings drive me nuts as a reader. Book 3 is titled FUTURE LOST and comes out in Spring 2018.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

Not really, although Zahra, the Iranian-American hacker in FUTURE THREAT, was very loosely inspired by my best friend in high school. Also, Paige’s boundless energy and perkiness were inspired by some of my author friends. Mostly I take small details from people I know and add them to characters, but that’s it.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

Elena and Adam were my favorite characters to write because they’re so different but they make each other better when they’re together. My least favorite was probably the CEO of Aether Corporation because he is kind of a jerk.

What is your favorite passage/scene in FUTURE THREAT?

The scene where Elena and Adam meet someone they never expected to meet in the futurealthough I wont say who cause its a major spoiler!

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

I did a lot of research into what it is like to have PTSD, anxiety, and panic attacks, so that I could get into Elena’s head in this book. I also researched flying cars and other futuristic technology to make the future they go to even more advanced than the other one they visited.

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

Tarver from These Broken Stars

What inspired you to write YA?

YA is my favorite thing to read and I love the way YA books break boundaries and cross genres in a way that a lot of adult fiction doesn’t.

Lightening Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

Right now I’m finally reading A Court Of Mist And Fury and it’s so good! My TBR list is huge but the next thing I’m planning to read is Six Of Crows. I’m super behind on books and trying to catch up!

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?


Twitter or Facebook?


Favorite Superhero?

Jessica Jones for Marvel, Batman for DC

Favorite TV show?

I’m really enjoying Timeless right now

Sweet or Salty?


Any Phobias?


Song you can’t get enough of right now?

“My Shot” from Hamilton

2017 Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Thanks so much Liz for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read FUTURE THREAT!

About Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Briggs is a full-time geek who writes books for teens and adults. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in Sociology, currently mentors teens in writing, and volunteers with a dog rescue group. She's the author of the new adult Chasing The Dream series and the upcoming young adult novel Future Shock. Elizabeth lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a pack of fluffy dogs. You can connect with her online

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive finished copies of FUTURE THREAT & FUTURE SHOCK, US Only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:
2/20/2017-Andi's ABCsReview
2/21/2017- BookHounds YA- Interview
2/22/2017- Fantasy Book CriticGuest Post
2/23/2017- With Love for Books - Review
2/24/2017- Tales of the Ravenous ReaderInterview

Week Two:
2/27/2017- The Heart of a Book BloggerReview
2/28/2017- Wishful EndingsGuest Post
3/1/2017- Book-KeepingReview
3/2/2017- Two Chicks on BooksInterview
3/3/2017- Always MeReview 

Make sure to grab book 1 if you haven't started this series yet!

1 comment:

  1. I read Future Shock and it was great. I'd love to read Future Threat.


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