Title: THE
VENERATE SALVATION (The Venerate Saga #3)
Author: Troy
Date: July
9, 2019
Publisher: KDP
Formats: Paperback,
Pages: 298
The Venerate Salvation is the third book in the Sci-Fi / Fantasy,
New-Adult series, The Venerate Saga. It follows The
Venerate Order and The Venerate Redemption. The main themes of
the book revolve around mental health awareness, women’s empowerment,
government corruption, and family.
Fans of the book series Divergent and I am Number Four as
well as the video game series Final Fantasy will love this
book. The story is written from a dual point of view of Strafe, the main
character, and Yessa, his estranged girlfriend. Readers will see the story from
each side, see how each character evolves throughout the tale, and get to
decide on who they think is right.
Strafe and Yessa, along with Strafe’s twin-brother Zixin and their wolves,
return to Earth after ending an apocalypse on the distant world of Eternia.
They believe they have found peace, but when the demons of Zixin’s past begin
to torment him, his mental health begins to deteriorate rapidly. Strafe notices
Zixin inflicting self-harm and waking in screaming nightmares daily. The race
to find a solution and heal his brother become Strafe's priority while avoiding
the threat of the remaining Federation forces. On top of that, Strafe's weapon,
the God Blade, remains shattered from his final battle on Eternia and is a
shell of its former self. He no longer carries the power he once did.
The situation is complicated by Yessa's yearn to find her parents who she
believes were abducted by the Federation. As a former prisoner of war, she is
steadfast in her mission to rescue them from the same fate. She finds hope
through the newest and most advanced military branch ever created, the Space
Force. Internally conflicted, Yessa will make the most difficult decision of
her life; leave or stay. This one choice could mean the end of her relationship
with Strafe or the death of her parents.
Unknown to the three of them, something else followed them
It is hunting them relentlessly and leaving a trail of blood and carnage in its
wake. The only people who seem to know what’s going on are a mysterious
hacktivist group called the Salvators. Strafe questions their end goal but has
no choice but to trust them to save his brother. On top of all that, a virus
begins to spread globally, turning anyone it comes into contact with into
crystalized monsters called Slates. Unless Strafe and Yessa crack the code on who
unleashed it, everyone they know will fall.
The real question is: How do you deal with pain that nobody can see?

Title: THE
VENERATE REDEMPTION (The Venerate Saga #2)
Author: Troy
Date: March
2 2018
Publisher: Troy
Formats: Paperback,
Pages: 252
Strafe and his friends have become the most wanted
fugitives in the world. They have no other choice but travel to Crotona, to
convince Eternia’s leaders of their innocence before they are hunted
But first, they need to stop the Senti from gaining the powerful Guardian Key.
Guided by a mysterious visitor in his dreams, Strafe and the group press on,
despite the danger. But even with their new-found powers, will it be enough to
take down their ruthless adversary?
As tensions in the realm reach a boiling point, lives are on the line at every
moment. Strafe is getting closer to freeing his family and getting back home,
but it will only come with great sacrifice. He will face the greatest
challenges of his life, and fight against not only an enemy, but an
Strafe must rely on his friends and instincts to guide him. His fate is in his
own hands... but he doesn't have to fight alone.
Title: THE VENERATE ORDER (The Venerate Saga #1)
Author: Troy
Date: February
26, 2018
Publisher: Creativia
Formats: Paperback,
Pages: 217
Rocknus has suffered hard losses in his life, but now things are looking up for
the college graduate.
He has a sizzling girlfriend, good friends and a bright career ahead of him.
But one day, Strafe awakes in a mysterious cavern, discovers an ancient
artifact, and unwittingly ignites a war that spans two worlds: his own, and one
he never knew existed.
With the abyss of the unknown before him, Strafe enters the swirling darkness.
Desperate, he must navigate a new and hostile world on the brink of catastrophe,
and learn the truth of who he is, while facing a darkness with the power to
destroy everything Strafe has ever cared about.
Soon, he will discover that his greatest strength comes from those he fights
Now on to the excerpt!
It's been a year since I returned to Earth. So much had changed. The
Geo-political climate had gotten, uncomfortable to say the least. Something had
the militaries around the globe on high-alert. I felt our battle might not be
over. Personally, every day is a struggle. A struggle to keep my family alive.
It's been a lot to take in.
In the blink of an eye, I crossed through the portal with Zixin, Yessa
and the three Whitecloud pups, which transported us back to the cave I found
the God Blade. Flickers of light from the sword's orb caught my attention
before it went translucent. It was as if the soul of the weapon faded away,
leaving only a skeleton. The tattoos that identified us three as Guardians
changed to dull scar-tissue, no longer with any vibrant color. Our power, gone.
The horrors of war can haunt a person for years after the last bullet
is fired. Same way with words. Zixin lived in a nightmare his whole life, and
now that it was over, his body and mind weren't handling it well.
A few days passed since we got back to Earth. My brother worried me. He
drifted in and out of day-dreams; he had trouble concentrating. When we offered
him food, he didn't eat much. Often times I would see him curled up in a ball,
shivering and sweating heavily. If there was a loud noise or something
startling, it agitated him easily. Whenever there was a crowd, he withdrew from
interacting with anyone. Something hurt inside him. There was deep mental
trauma that needed to be addressed.
We had to take him somewhere off the grid. The decision was to hide on
my tribe's reservation in Minnesota. It'd be far away from the eyes and ears of
Federation informants.
In about five days we made it across the country via train.
It was good to have the Whitecloud puppies with us. They were the one
bright spot we had going for us at the moment. As we made it to St. Paul, we
all got in a taxi. We rode north while enjoying the green grass and cool fall
weather. Unlike California's golden hills and warm ocean breeze for sure.
The change was nice.
Finally, we got to the Sky Water reservation near Bemidji. Upon
arrival, we were greeted warmly. Even though Yessa was not Native American,
they welcomed their new visitor in the traditional way, with gifts. We were
given a trailer to sleep in and food to eat. An ancient custom, asking for
nothing in return. An Indian gift.
Once we settled, she began to research the Federation and gained
insight into the company's goals and reach around the globe. Their power and
influence shocked us.
“Strafe, check this out,” Yessa said pointing at the computer screen.
With a blanket in hand, I walked over and draped it on Zixin as he
slept on the couch, then turned to her “What is it?”
“I can't believe how many incidents the Federation has been involved
with this past year. They had their hand in almost everything. Politics,
economy, the web, and government. They're like a virus, spreading and gaining
footholds in everything that runs the world,” she shook her head in disbelief.
I put my hand on her shoulder, “When we figure out who we can trust, we
will expose them. Their crimes will not go unanswered. But for now, I need to
make sure my brother is healed. He tosses and turns in his sleep and I can tell
the psychological damage he incurred has taken a toll on him.”
Turning my head towards Zixin, Yessa put her hand on mine, “This is
what you were fighting for, what we all were fighting for. You saved him.”
One of the pups had become smitten to me. He loved to be held like a
baby in my arms. I named him Goliath. Soon they would be bigger than we were,
so we needed to enjoy their infancy.
Holding Goliath and bouncing him gently, I said, “Thanks, Yessa. I'm
glad you're with us.”
She smiled and hugged her pup, which she named Esper, short for
Esperanza. It meant “hope” in Spanish. Esper loved getting pet and kissed
Yessa's cheek. Their bond was strong. The third pup didn't have a name yet.
Zixin didn't give him one. He tried to get close to Zixin, but would usually
get ignored or pushed away gently.
Sometimes at night I would hold Brutus's collar and rub my fingers over
it. His death was still so fresh. While I was looking out the window one night,
Yessa caressed my back.
“He'll always be with you,” she consoled.
“You're right, it's so hard to accept he's gone. I miss him so much,” I
Suddenly, Zixin awoke in screams and he jumped off the couch. I rushed
over to comfort him. “Zixin! Zixin, it's alright! It's just a dream!”
“Ahhhh, these damn nightmares! I can't even take a nap without getting
one,” he mumbled between breaths.
“It's not your fault what happened to you, for all those years. It
was... you're safe now. Nobody will hurt you here,” I almost said Barzakh, but
remembered Zixin's reaction when I did last time. Even mentioning the demon's
name brought trauma. Every time he heard the name “Barzakh,” he wanted to cut
more of the flesh off his severed arm. His paranoia convinced him at times that
the demon might still be inside his body.
Once we calmed him down, I stepped outside with Yessa and the
Whiteclouds to get some fresh air. The leaves were beginning to turn colors and
the wind was cooler every day. Variety was my spice of life, but she didn't
care for cold weather. Living in California can spoil a person.
“What are we gonna do Strafe? A professional needs to look at him.
These reactions are only getting worse,” Yessa said.
“Maybe there's someone here on the reservation that can help,” I
“How long are we going to be here? While we wait, the Federation is
gaining power. I can't sit by idly by while that happens.”
“I know Yessa,” I stroked her face, “I want to stop them too. Tiras
told me, before I left him behind in that prison cell in Yuwheria, that they
have my mother in Europe somewhere. We have to be extremely cautious moving
forward because if he knew that, then he probably was communicating with his
people back here on Earth somehow. They would no doubt catch us if we're
reckless. I can't imagine what they might do to my mom.”
“You're right.”
Letting the pups play in the yard, I prepared dinner. My brother was on
my mind 24/7. I noticed that he was cutting himself as small scars on his legs
and arm began to appear. Dots of blood coagulating over them provided the
evidence of his actions.
The next day, the three of us walked over to the Chief 's house to
introduce ourselves. After knocking on his door, the Chief welcomed us inside
with a big smile. Written on a wooden block on his desk read 'David “Blackrock”
He stood over 6 feet high and was a middle-aged man who had many
wrinkles. Like a cowboy, he wore jeans and a jean jacket but also many Native
American beads around his neck. His long flowing black hair was braided. As
Chief, he was responsible for the care of over 40,000 people on the Sky Water
reservation. Our audience had been one he requested himself.
His office was decorated with beautifully carved wooden eagles, bears,
and other animals of northern Minnesota. The carpet on the ground showcased a
red eagle along with horses and a lush forest alongside a flowing stream. The
smell of freshly smoked tobacco emanating from a pipe gave the room a welcoming
feeling; tobacco was shared among the Sky Water Tribe to signify unity and
peace. Walker sat in his chair and took a few puffs from the pipe.
“Hello, my friends, welcome to Sky Water land. Please take a seat,”
Walker motioned to three leather chairs by his desk.
“Thank you,” Yessa said.
Sitting down in front of Mr. Walker, Zixin's eyes lighted up for the
first time since we got back. He loved all the Native America memorabilia.
“You like this stuff huh son?” Walker asked.
“Yes, it is very calming, I like being here,” Zixin said while avoiding
eye contact. Seemed he was a bit shy.
Honestly, it was the first time he looked alive.
“Well good! They have been passed down in our tribe for many
generations. Helps me remember what I'm fighting for,” he grinned before
turning to us, “So, what brings you to our land?”
We explained as best we could what had taken place on Eternia.
Everything from the cave, the Federation, the Slates, to Guardian, from both of
our sides. Walker listened intently to our story.
Afterward, we continued the discussion.
“So, you're telling me that your mother is in danger and you're afraid
you'd be hunted unless you stay here?” Chief asked.
“Yes sir, we didn't know where to turn to. That's why we came here, to
ask for your protection and to help us find her,” I explained.
“My parents might be too, I never got a chance to tell them I was
safe,” Yessa added.
“Before you got here, I had our people look into your backgrounds,”
Chief said out as he turned his monitor, “It seems as though your mom and dad
were very involved in search efforts for you Yessa.”
Pulling a newspaper from inside his desk, he showed an article from the
New Santa Barbara Times that explained how Yessa's parents organized a
city-wide hunt for her. Although they never found her, they pin-pointed back
the Federation's involvement and went after them. They both went missing three
months ago.
“Where are my parents?!” she shrieked as she brought a hand to her
“Taken,” Zixin whispered as he rocked back and forth.
“Damnit, just like ours,” I said as I pounded the desk.
“Be calm child, for the moment there is nothing you can do. What I
recommend is that you meet with our lawyers and go about pursuing the
Federation LEGALLY,” Chief emphasized, “Any other way and you will end up
missing too.”
“I can't just sit here and wait. I was taken. I was victimized. That's
not gonna happen to them because of me,” Yessa stormed out of the office.
It was best to let her go.
“Zixin, do you mind giving the Chief and me a moment?” I asked.
“Give you a moment, give you a moment,” Zixin murmured as he walked
outside. He brushed his hand across every Native artifact he could on his way
“Poor man,” Walker shook his head while taking a puff from his pipe.
“Yes,” I put my head down, “I'm afraid he's in much worse condition
than I thought. Is there a doctor here he can see? Someone who can help treat
“We have a licensed psychologist that works with the reservationist
here. Unfortunately, there are many people that have problems with mental
health that keeps our doctor busy. Our job is to take out the stigma of talking
about it. Damn shame, but she does amazing work. I'll make sure Zixin sees her
as much as she's available. He seemed pretty intrigued by our culture. Maybe
you can start there,” Walker advised.
“I'm interested in learning more myself. Yessa is anxious,
understandably. Undeserving of this,” I said.
“You may find peace here, from the Federation and the world... but you
will never find your mother if you do nothing. I pray our ancestors to speak
their wisdom to you through the wind. Please let me know if you need anything,”
Chief said as he followed me out. As I opened the door, he handed me a beaded
wooden necklace. Bright colored beads of different hues blended nicely
together. There were tiny leaves carved into the wood.
“Thank you, for everything.”
Walker gave me a strong handshake and hug; afterward, I exited outside.
Sitting on the porch wearing an old Native Poncho that he found, Zixin looked
out into the distance. It had a design of an eagle in bright colors.
“Keep it brother, it suits you,” Walker complemented.
He smiled; the first time I'd ever seen him do that. We walked back
with the Whitecloud pups to the trailer. After we ate dinner, it was time to go
to sleep.
In the morning, the sun creeped in through the blinds and danced on my
eyelids to wake me up. Walking out to the kitchen area, I found Yessa was on
the computer. Dark lines around her eyes gave away she'd been up for most of
the night. As I stretched and got out of the bed, I went over to her and gave
her a hug.
“Find anything?” I asked.
“No, but I think I found some people who can,” she said. On the screen
was on a recruiting website for the military. It read,
“Space Force? Didn't you say you had enough of those people?” I said.
“They have eyes all over Strafe. There's no place the Federation can
hide from them,” Yessa told me.
“How is the Space Force going to help us find those bastards and our
family?” I asked her.
“I've been researching them and they have the ability to travel
anywhere in the world in thirty minutes via Space Suits. They control all the space
assets of the U.S. Government and we can use them to locate whatever we want,”
Yessa stated.
“I don't think they're just going to cater to your agenda Yessa, they
aren't hiring people for that,” I informed her.
She signed and rubbed her eyes before looking back to me, “And what?
Just sit here and do nothing? Strafe, I don't like it here. I... can't stay,”
“Zixin is in no condition to be moving around constantly, let alone
fight against a group of crazy zealots. He needs time to heal, and this is the safest
place,” I responded.
She looked at me with a frown and said, “I leave for officer training
The news shocked me to the point I almost lost my balance. “WHAT? How
come you didn't discuss this with me? Yessa, you are my ONLY ally besides our
pups and Zixin. And I... don't want to lose you again.”
A tear fell down her cheek. I went to console her but she put her hand
up to stop me, “Strafe, you need to do what's in the best interest for you and
your brother. I need to what's best for me and my family,” Yessa insisted.
“I thought we were in this together? I'm... I'm sorry I got you
involved in this. I'm sorry for everything. But when we went through that hell
on Eternia, fighting that war, I was doing it to save you. There are other ways
of going after them,” I was explaining before she cut me off with watering
“Strafe, I ask you take care of Esper while I'm gone. It will be hard
for her to be without me, I already know. If you love me, you will let me do
I dropped my head into my hands. My heart ached at the thought of
losing Yessa. She meant so much to me; my mind was in a panic. I tried to think
of anything I could say to stop her decision. “I don't wanna lose you,” my eyes
watered when I looked back at her.
Her lips curled and she had to fight back from sobbing, but gently
shook her head “no.” Giving into her decision, I let out a sigh, wiped my
tears, and slowly sat in my chair. “If this is what you want, I won't stop you.
I will be here until Zixin is cured. I promise to take care of Esper for you,”
I sniffled.
“It's not your fault Strafe. When I find my parents, I will come back
to you. I swear it,” she said.
Walking over to me, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. We
embraced for a long time. There was no way to know how long she'd be gone.
“Yessa,” I said, wiping a tear.
She grabbed my hand.
“If you find my mom, let me know.”
Yessa nodded. We had slept in the same bed the past few nights, but she
slept on the couch that night. The next day would be hard for everyone.
Waking up at sunrise, I found an empty couch with Esper sleeping at the
foot of it. Zixin was looking out the window while scratching the scarred skin
of his left armpit. Losing his arm didn't seem to affect him much, but he had
trouble performing basic tasks like tying his shoes. Chief fixed this by giving
him some moccasins to wear. One had an eagle stitched on the top, the other a
I walked around looking for Yessa but she was nowhere to be seen. There
was a note near the microwave,
Sorry to leave without saying goodbye. Please know that this is
something I have to do on my own. Guard our family. I love you Strafe.
About Troy:
Troy Dukart is the author of the
Venerate Saga (The Venerate Order, The Venerate Redemption, sequels to follow).
Troy grew up outside of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota: Twin
Cities. Troy is recognized by Toastmasters International as an Advanced
Communicator Bronze and Advanced Leader Bronze.
He's lived in Japan as well as
California. He loves to travel.
Make sure to stop by his website
and sign-up for the newsletter to stay in the know!
Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive a the complete
VENERATE SAGA, International.
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
Week Two:
Week Three:
Week Four:
Week Five: