
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Blog Tour- FINDING MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR by @SarahBallance With An Interview & #Giveaway! @entangledpub @RockstarBkTours

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the FINDING MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR by Sarah Balance Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!
About the Book:
Author: Sarah Ballance
Pub. Date: May 11, 2020
Publisher: Entangled: Lovestruck
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 150

For Lexi Dean, burning down her kitchen was disaster enough. Agreeing to move in next door with her totally off-limits best friend, Matt Freeman, until her house is livable again?

Utter madness.

They’ve always been close, but this is ridiculous. If she’s not bumping into him at the refrigerator, he’s at the front door giving her date the third degree. And slipping between his borrowed sheets? That’s about as distracting as listening to his shower run, because suddenly all she can think about is rivulets of water cascading down is spectacular body—the one he seems to be going out of his way to make sure she notices.

Not that it matters. He can flaunt his firefighter abs around her all he wants. They already share everything—their jobs, their friends, their backyard, even their dog—and that means only one thing: Lexi is not going to risk losing any of it by dipping a single toe in the temptation that is Matt Freeman.

Lexi may not know how to handle a fire extinguisher, but this is one fire that just might burn them both if they’re not careful...

Hey Sarah! First I want to say welcome to Two Chicks on Books I’m glad you could stop by for a chat! FINDING MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR sounds AWESOME and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!

Thanks so much for having me. I *promise* not to spill my drink on the furniture. :D

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about the FINDING MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR and the characters?

Lexi and Matt have been friends forever and their relationship as-is to die for. Which is exactly the problem. They’ve kept it platonic. Taking that next step could ruin everything, so in many ways they’re risking so much more than a relationship status. To cross that line and find out it didn’t work for them would literally upend everything either of them has ever known. On the surface it seems like an easy enough conflict to overcome, but how many of us would risk our families for sex? For these two, it’s a tough call.

What are you working on now?

I like to palate cleanse between genres, so right now I’m mired in a romantic suspense that involves a serial killer and a couple of main characters with a gritty past.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

I think pieces of them belong to a lot of real life people, but to assign names, I couldn’t do that. I will say that most of the awesome hero stuff is either inspired by or stolen from my husband. I can’t figure out how or why he’s still so amazing after putting up with me for nearly twenty-five years, but any time a hero in one of my books does something incredible, you can bet the inspiration was the man I married.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

I truly don’t have a least favorite in this particular book, but as for favorite, that has to be Elsie. I had to entirely rewrite this book three times, and Elsie just kind of popped up on the last version and made herself comfortable. And in reading the book, I think you’ll agree that is exactly what Elsie would have done.

What is your favorite passages/scenes in FINDING MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR?

Confession time: I’m really hard on myself and I never seem to turn off the inner critic, so I don’t say this lightly: I love all of this book. Matt and Lexi together, in particular after they do cross that line, are so real and authentic to me that I can’t quite believe they’re not actually out there somewhere. That said, Elsie just kind of swoops in and is probably the only character I’ve ever written that makes me laugh out loud. Not “made” me, mind you, but “makes,” as in, there are a couple of lines that I still laugh at despite having read the scenes dozens of times. My favorite of those happens in the grocery store scene between her and Lexi.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

Very little. I grew up in the fire department, I adore and have made multiple visits to Colorado, and I am married to my best friend. And while I have yet to burn down my kitchen, my grandmother actually did have a fire in hers with a similar amount of damage, so even that part was familiar.

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

I don’t have one. I’ve yet to meet a book boyfriend that stood a chance next to my real life guy. :D

What inspired you to write romance?

It was anaccident. A friend of mine told me I should write a book, and I said I couldnt. It hit me a few days later that I didn’t like saying I couldn’t do something, so I did. Another friend suggested it didn’t count until I submitted it, so I sent it to exactly one publisher, and it was contracted and subsequently published. That was back in 2010, and to be honest, I was shocked, but it worked, so I kept going.

Lightning Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

I keep a stack of Harlequin Intrigues by my bed. I adore them. I even have a spreadsheet to keep track of which ones I’ve read, because after a few hundred it becomes hard to remember.

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?

I have literally neither read nor seen a single word or moment of this series. I wouldn’t even know what that referenced if not for those Buzzfeed quizzes that sometimes pop up in my news feed, and despite those, I still don’t know what that question means. :D

Instagram, Twitter or Facebook?

I’m a photo person, so you would think I’d be all over Instagram, but I can’t seem to get there, so Facebook by default.

Favorite Superhero?

The only super hero movies I’ve ever seen are the Deadpool ones, so he, too, wins by default, but I have a feeling he’d win no matter how many I’d seen. :D

Favorite TV show?

I usually go with reruns so I’m not distracted from whatever work I’m supposed to be doing, so if you see me near a TV, I’m probably (not, lol) watching The Golden Girls, Monk, Mama’s Family, or Everybody Loves Raymond.

Sweet or Salty?


Any Phobias?

I have an oddly specific angry-ocean-wipes-out-my-beach-house-during-a-storm phobia, where I fall into the water among all that splintered wood and drown. It was actually a recurring nightmare for as long as I could remember, but a couple of years ago I walked 700 feet out on a pier during hurricane swells (it was a nice day the storm was off the coast) and the waves tore up through the boards and the entire structure swayed against the force of that water and it made me so sick. I was terrified, and so glad to get off of that pier. My older kids laughed and pointed out that the pier had been there through many hurricanes, and they weren’t wrong, but it actually collapsed in the next big storm. And I haven’t had that dream since.

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Anything by Midland.

2020 Movie you’re most looking forward to?

I don’t know what’s coming out in 2020 but I’d go see almost anything from the horror genre. And at this point, I’d probably go see *anything* just to get my hands on movie theater popcorn again.

Thanks so much Sarah for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read FINDING MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

My absolute pleasure. Thank you again for having me!
About Sarah:

USA Today bestselling author Sarah Ballance and her husband of what he calls “many long, long years” live on the mid-Atlantic coast with their six young children, all of whom are perfectly adorable when they’re asleep. She never dreamed of becoming an author, but as a homeschooling mom, she often jokes she writes fiction because if she wants anyone to listen to her, she has to make them up. (As it turns out, her characters aren’t much better than the kids). When not buried under piles of laundry, she may be found adrift in the Atlantic (preferably on a boat) or seeking that ever-elusive perfect writing spot where not even the kids can find her.

She loves creating unforgettable stories while putting her characters through an unkind amount of torture—a hobby that has nothing to do with living with six children. (Really.) Though she adores sexy contemporary romance, Sarah writes in many genres including historical and ghostly supernatural romance and romantic suspense. Her ever-growing roster of releases may be found on Amazon , Barnes & NobleKoboiBooksGoogle Books, and ENTANGLED PUBLISHING.

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon GC, International.

Tour Schedule:
Two Chicks on Books
Jaime's World
Mythical Books
Lone Tree Reads
Books A-Brewin'
Guest Post
Twirling Book Princess
Guest Post
books are love
Guest Post
Reese's Reviews
Book Briefs

1 comment:

  1. Oh this looks like such a sweet romance! Exactly what I wanted right about now


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