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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Blog Tour- KILL CALL by @Jeff_Wooten_ With A Guest Post & A #Giveaway! @CamCatBooks

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the KILL CALL by Jeff Wooten Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



About The Book:


Author: Jeff Wooten

Pub. Date: February 20, 2024

Publisher: CamCat Books

Formats:  Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 320

Find it: Goodreadshttps://books2read.com/KILL-CALL

Dreams do come true. It’s Jude's job to make sure they don’t.

Born with the curse of prophetic nightmares, Jude sees violent murders through the eyes of the killer before they happen. His father, who shares Jude’s dark gift, has trained Jude since birth to save the innocent and to kill the killer. A life for a life―it’s the only way.

But everything goes awry when Hanna Smith, the young woman he was supposed to save, rescues herself instead, and catches Jude in her home. Fate isn’t inescapable, but it demands balance. While Hanna may be safe for now, Jude knows that the killer will strike again, only next time there will be no warning. Jude must now find the killer on his own, without the visions to aid him, in order to carry out the task he’s been training for before it’s too late.



A day in your writing life.

I try to get up at 5 AM. I take a shower, get dressed for work, then go and sit in front of my computer. I tell the Google to play whatever I feel like that morning, and I start typing words. Hopefully good words, but that is not always the case.

If it’s cold outside I open a window. The cold air wakes me up. I’ve never measured, but I bet I get more writing done when it’s cold. If it’s hot or raining I leave the window closed.

I don’t use a laptop. I can’t really stand to write on a laptop. I wish I did, but I am a creature of habit, and I’ve been on a desktop since the start.

I write from 5:30 until about 7. Then I’m out the door and to my job as a physical therapist. I work until 5:30, come home, and maybe I write some more, but usually I’m beat. To boot, I have a wife, three kids, and a very cute dog that need my attention in the evening.

I do this five days a week. On Saturdays, I usually sleep in until six, get up and make coffee, and write until my brain hurts. That’s usually noonish. That is if I don’t have family stuff, then I do that.

If I can, I will write in the afternoon a little. Maybe until five, then I’m done. I know from experience that it’s a losing proposition to try and write past five. Sundays, I just do what I can, when I can. But some Sundays I take completely off.

I enjoy writing. I told someone the other day that I don’t play golf. I don’t fish much. I write. It’s more than a hobby, though. I love my day job, but I’d be a liar if I said I wouldn’t want to be a full-time writer if the opportunity presented itself. To that end, I’m going to need everyone that reads this to buy two copies of KILL CALL. Three copies would be acceptable as well.

The words come slow some days and slower on other days. I do not write fast. Maybe that’s why I’m a fifty-year-old debut author, but mostly, I think it was meant to happen this way. I am very happy that people are reading my stuff in larger volumes than ever before. The fact that most seem to be enjoying it only makes it more rewarding.


About Jeff Wooten:

Jeff Wooten lives in Arkansas with his wife, three kids, and one dog. He is a physical therapist that works with adults and kids with orthopedic issues.

Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a finished copy of KILL CALL, US Only.

Ends March 15th, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Writer of Wrongs

Excerpt/IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream

Guest Post


Kountry Girl Bookaholic

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post



IG Post/TikTok Post


Two Chicks on Books

Guest Post/IG Post

Week Two:


YA Books Central

Interview/IG Post


Little Red Reads

Excerpt/IG Post


Callisto’s calling

IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Blog Spotlight/IG Spotlight



IG Review



IG Post

Week Three:


Review Thick And Thin

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



IG Review


Books and Zebras

IG Review


The Momma Spot




IG Review



IG Review

Week Four:



IG Review/TikTok Post


Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post


Rajiv's Reviews

Review/IG Post



IG Review


Confessions Of The Perfect Mom

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post

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