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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Blog Tour- THE AURORA REVELATIONS by #MichaelFWalker With A Guest Post & A #Giveaway!

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE AURORA REVELATIONS by Michael Walker Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:


Author: Michael F. Walker

Pub. Date: September 17, 2024

Publisher: BookBaby

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 340

Find it: Goodreadshttps://books2read.com/THE-AURORA-REVELATIONS 

In April 1897, a strange airship crashed in Aurora, Texas and the "unearthly" pilot was buried in the local cemetery. Today, the pilot finally awakened. God help us all.
In July 2015, supernatural sleuth Kevin Starkly disappeared mysteriously in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. What secrets did he uncover about the Aurora UFO crash, and has he paid a terrible price for his curiosity?
Four twenty-something paranormal investigators, a self-styled "Nerd Legion," ―Tony Fermia (a psychic who talks to ghosts in his dreams), John Walters (an art curator), Rich Harrigan (a skeptical science teacher), and Angel McQueen (an alien abductee and Tony's high-school crush)―travel across a haunted America searching for their old friend Starkly. The group soon find themselves entangled in a terrifying conspiracy to resurrect the alien pilot―a plot that brings them face-to-face with a ghastly enemy and has them fighting for their lives and for the future of humanity.
Like a grown-up Stranger Things on a cursed road trip, or The X-Files with no FBI boss and no filter, the harrowing exploits in The Aurora Revelations will captivate readers of Paul Tremblay, Dan Simmons, Edgar Cantero, or any fans of paranormal thrills, mystery, and supernatural suspense.



"Ghosts, extraterrestrials, dreams, and suicide cults are just a few topics in The Aurora Revelations by Michael F. Walker. A satisfying tale akin to setting in place the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle, fans of bizarre and original stories, your dreams have come true." -- Gaius Konstantine, Readers' Favorite

"Walker's sprawling but gripping debut follows the antics of paranormal hunters as they uncover an alien conspiracy...The paranormal intrigue is infused with humor, true science, and literary and pop culture references for a playful and suspenseful adventure. Fans of The X-Files will feel right at home."--Booklife Reviews (Editors' Pick)

"Walker pulls an amazing aggregation of borderline satire and surreal terror into a coherent and spooky whole...A supernaturally effective oddity odyssey."-- Kirkus Reviews (starred review)




By Michael F. Walker

1)      The Atlantic Avenue Tunnel. I introduce my Nerd Legion protagonists in the first chapter of my book as they are hunting for ghosts in the depths of the Atlantic Avenue tunnel in downtown Brooklyn—probably the oldest subway tunnel in the world, and for a time, the eeriest tourist attraction in NYC. Built in 1844, it operated as a branch of the Long Island Railroad until it closed in 1861 and eventually disappeared from public consciousness except as a spooky local legend. And it would have remained lost to memory if not for engineering student Bob Diamond who located the forgotten entrance to the abandoned tunnel under a manhole cover at Atlantic Avenue and Court Street in 1980. He guided thousands of visitors through the 1,600-foot-long, barrel-vaulted tunnel—tourists, locals, artists, and reporters—from 1982 until 2010. Don’t know if any ghosts were detected, but a magnetometer identified a large mass hidden behind a wall of rubble at the far end of the tunnel. Was it the legendary steam locomotive sealed in a hidden chamber? Who knows? The Department of Transportation revoked his contract to conduct tours of the tunnel in 2010 citing vague “safety concerns.” Makes you wonder if the authorities were afraid something else would be uncovered in the darkness. In 2013, the manhole on Atlantic Avenue was welded shut sealing away its mysteries forever.  

2)      The Aurora, Texas Cemetery. Everyone knows about Roswell, New Mexico, but the real great granddaddy of all UFO crashes occurred on April 17, 1897 in Aurora, Texas. According to local legend, a mysterious “airship” crashed into Judge Proctor’s windmill that morning and exploded into countless pieces. Recovered from the wreckage was the body of the pilot—identified as definitely “not an inhabitant of this world”—who was quickly buried in the local Aurora cemetery where presumably he (it?) exists to this day in an unmarked grave. Was the story a hoax, as many believe? Or could you possibly solve the entire UFO/UAP mystery by simply digging up the remains of a 127-year-old-alien from the Texas soil? That’s the major obsession of paranormal investigator Kevin Starkly and his Nerd Legion friends. 

3)      Harrisville, New Jersey. The Pine Barrens of New Jersey conceal many mysteries, including the origin of the Jersey Devil—a hideous bat-winged beast that supposedly stalks the region to this day. The Pine Barrens are also home to several “forgotten towns,” including Ongs Hat, Mount Misery, and the place where Kevin Starkly mysteriously disappeared. Harrisville is a ghost town today, but during its heyday from the 1850s to the 1870s, it was a thriving community noted for its successful paper mill. But several fires and economic competition brought the town to its knees. In the “Forgotten Towns of South Jersey,” author Henry Charlton Beck describes the place: “There are many acres of scattered walls, the remains of two-story buildings, skeletons of a dead community. The main buildings are constructed entirely of Jersey stone and have walls two feet thick.” You can visit the crumbling remains yourself—from behind a chain-link fence. Just park near Harrisville Pond off Route 679 in Chatsworth. Don’t be surprised if the Jersey Devil drops by for a visit.

4)      The Nikola Tesla Lab at Wardenclyffe. I’m not revealing much when I say that Nikola Tesla plays a major role in my novel (Tesla’s ghost appears on page 47), but Tesla’s real life is stranger than any fiction.  The prototypical mad scientist of the early 20th century, Tesla discovered the rotating magnetic field that made today’s alternating-current machinery possible, built radio-controlled craft, and developed the original patents that made the invention of radio possible. And at his great laboratory at Wardenclyffe in Shoreham, Long Island, Tesla experimented with a world-wide system of intelligence transmission—pictures, texts, music, stock reports—a 1901 fever dream of an information superhighway that wouldn’t exist for another 90+ years. Everything he did—his phobias, his obsessions with death rays and the free wireless transmission of energy, and his belief in extraterrestrial contact—made him a larger-than-life enigma, controversial to this day. Ground-penetrating radar and microgravity measurements taken in the 21st-century prove conclusively the existence of underground tunnels surrounding the facilities, their purpose unknown. We’ll never know the true extent of Tesla’s bizarre experiments in Shoreham, Long Island.

5)      The Serpent Mound. Recently designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Great Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio was always known as the largest effigy mound in the world (a 1,300-foot-long snake with a coiled tail). After investigating and excavating the site in 1883, Frederic Ward Putnam from Harvard University’s Peabody Museum wrote “…here before me was the mysterious work of an unknown people, whose seemingly most sacred place we had invaded.” In over 140 years, the Serpent Mound has given up few of its secrets. Who built it? Is it really 1,300 years old? What is certain, is that the snake mound was built on the site of a meteor impact crater that struck the earth around 300 million years ago. Some people report an unnerving silence when walking around the Serpent—following in the footsteps of ancient worshippers—and an inexplicable sense of being watched by unseen faces.

6)      Kunstkammer Kids Arcanium and Bone Maze. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to locate this fabulous Tennessee institution on any local maps. If I could only get my hands on the latest edition of “A Guide to Roadside Attractions in Tennessee.” Just to be on the safe side, if you ever find it and the Weir Brothers proprietors invite you in, don’t get lost in the Bone Maze.


About Michael Walker:

Michael F. Walker is a lover of the strange and macabre. His debut novel, The Aurora Revelations, is coming soon in 2024. He lives with his wife and daughter in a ramshackle old house in Brooklyn, NY that looks haunted but (probably) isn’t.

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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a finished copy of THE AURORA REVELATIONS, US Only.

Ends October 22nd, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


TX Girl Reads

Guest Post/IG Post


Two Chicks on Books

Guest Post/IG Post


Deal sharing aunt

Interview/IG Post


Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post


Rajiv's reviews

Review/IG Post

Week Two:


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



IG Review


The Real World According to Sam

Review/IG Post


Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's

Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post

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