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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Release Day Blitz- UNTIL THE LAST PAGE by @CGadouryAuthor With An Excerpt & A #Giveaway! @InimitableBooks

I am so excited that the hardcover of UNTIL THE LAST PAGE by Chantal Gadoury is available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Chantal & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.


About The Book:


Author: Chantal Gadoury

Pub. Date: October 1, 2024

Publisher: Inimitable Books

Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Pages: 280

Find it: Goodreadshttps://books2read.com/UNTIL-THE-LAST-PAGE 

Discover what happens when a young woman unexpectedly finds herself inside a book of fairytales where she is charged with breaking a frog prince's curse and searching for a way home.

Every good fairytale begins with "Once Upon a Time," or they're supposed to at least. But for twenty-five year old Josephine Hart, her "Once Upon a Time" began with her literally crash landing inside a book of fairy tales and nearly crushing a frog—who is actually a prince. An annoying, snarky frog prince named Aneurin, seeking the kiss of true love to break his curse. He vows that if Jo agrees to help him find his princess, he will get her home.

With every turn of the page, their adventure leads them deeper into fairytales familiar to Jo. Through their journey, they discover that despite their initial clashing, they're both exactly what each other needs. It is only when they encounter a devious man with a talent for spinning straw into gold that they realize just how quickly their plot can take an unexpected twist.


Until the Last Page – Excerpt: 

“Surely, you must be from the southern lands. Just look at your attire,” the frog continued, lifting a small hand towards me.

I couldn’t help but notice the way his knobby little fingers were webbed together. I slid my gaze down to my white knotted top and jeans shorts before lifting my eyes back to the frog.

The creature’s eyes remained transfixed on me, as if I was the one from a foreign country.

            “These are my clothes.”

            “As I can see. Such attire must come from the Southern Lands,” it replied before adding, “where the peasants get their clothes from the rag bin.” 

Now, this animal was just offensive. 

            You’re a frog,” I retorted, as though that should have been enough to refute his insult. This was going on record as one of the most bizarre dreams I’d ever had in my life. As a child, I’d always dreamed of possessing the ability to speak with animals, just as nearly every fairytale princess could. But this…this was not what I imagined—a creature of such small, slimy stature, commenting so rudely on my attire.

            “For now,” he responded. “And you’re just a girl who nearly drowned me.” 

            “I thought the water would help you,” I replied quickly, biting the inside of my cheek. 

The frog crossed its arms against its chest. It was weird that he not only talked like a human, but acted like one, too. 

            “As I said, I nearly drowned thanks to you,” the frog scowled. 

            “Well, I’m sorry,” I quipped, rolling my eyes. I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation, with a frog, nonetheless. 

            “Perhaps we could start with introductions,” the frog continued, rising to his feet. Unable to hide my astonishment at his ability to stand on two legs, I just stared. 


“Is that your way of agreeing?” he asked. “Or is that your name?” 

“I’m not giving you my name,” I replied, shaking my head. 

            “And why not?” 

            “It doesn’t really matter, does it?” I looked down at him, incredulous. 

The frog frowned at my hesitation. “Have you forgotten it?”

“No, I haven’t forgotten it,” I snapped, shaking my head.  


About Chantal:

Chantal Gadoury is a best selling fairytale-retelling and romance author, living in the beautiful countryside of Muncy, Pennsylvania with her mom and family yorkie, Taran.

When Chantal isn't pursuing her next writing endeavor, she enjoys spending time with her loved ones, and taking long walks to the sounds of BTS. She is a TikTok enthusiast, loves all things Disney and loves a good, romantic K-Drama.

Chantal first started writing stories at the age of seven and continues that love of writing today. After graduating from Susquehanna University with a degree in Creative Writing, writing novels has become a dream come true.


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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon GC, International.

Ends October 8th, Midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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